"Yeah." Dean cut him off and immediately shut his mouth straight after, shocked that he just said that out loud.

Why the hell would he tell him? Nobody but Lee and Jo knew and he did not want that little bit of information to get out.

If his father ever found out that he was also into guys... he didn't even want to think about how he'd react.

"That's a relief, otherwise what I'm going to ask next would have been really awkward." Castiel chuckled causing Dean to snap his head back up towards Castiel in confusion. "Do you want to grab a drink with me? Maybe Saturday at the Roadhouse... 6 o'clock?"

Dean stared at him in disbelief for a few seconds before he began to shake his head.

They couldn't just go out on a date to one of the most popular places in town, even if it wasn't popular they couldn't just go on a date together. If people saw the two of them on a date, all hell would break loose.

Yes, Castiel's family was highly respected in town and people might not care about his sexuality. But if word got back to his father or his cousins that a Winchester had been seen on a date with person of the same sex... it would be a totally different story and Dean would be lucky to live to tell said story.

"I-I can't... We can't just..." Dean stuttered tripping over his words as he struggled to say what he was trying to, rubbing his face with shaky hands. "Can't be gay in this damn town. We can't just go on a date like normal people, man."

"We're not normal people? I'm not normal?" Castiel questioned and Dean quickly shook his head.

Shit, that's not what he was trying to say. Why couldn't he ever just say what he meant?

"That's not what I meant, it's just-"

"Relax, I'm messing with you, I know what you mean. But, why can't two friends go out and have a drink together?" Castiel suggested a small smile on his face as he watched Dean slowly process what he just said. "Gabriel and I go to the Roadhouse all the time together to hang out. We can do that too, nobody has to know that it's a date or something."

"You're asking me out on a date, Cas?" He asked because he couldn't figure out why he would even want to be seen with him, let alone ask him out on a date.

"Well, I'm trying to." Cas chuckled nervously and Dean stared at him for a few seconds trying to figure out if he was being serious before he nodded. "Is that a 'yes'?"

"Yeah." Dean replied with a slight smile causing Cas to smile too as he nodded, relief evident in his features.

"Alright, I'll see you then. Thank you for fixing my car too." He said, climbing into the drivers seat.

"No problem."

Dean couldn't stop himself from smiling as he watched Cas drive off before he turned around and began walking out of school, hoping his family weren't home to ruin his now good mood.


It took nearly 20 minutes before he turned off the bitumen road and down the dirt driveway that lead into the Winchester's property.

There were a couple old rusty trailers parked off to the left where any of his fathers friends stayed when they were over, while Dean and his cousins live in the small rundown cabin in the centre of the property with his father.

He spotted his fathers black pickup truck parked out the front, but no others vehicles were in the area indicating that his fathers friends had left while he'd been at school and he sure as hell wasn't going to complain about that.

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