Love and hate are a single piece of paper (Part-2)

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When I left my seat,Kei hugged me.

"Please, Kiyotaka ...! Please ..."

I pulled away the hand, and I left the place

I can't go back anymore.

"I'm alone. \

"Choose, Senpai... throw away Karuizawa or go out with me, or kill me. \

Tsubaki's eyes were serious. If she couldn't bring me back to white room, and if the confession failed, she was seriously going to die.

I couldn't overlook it ──.

"Kiyotaka !!"

──At that time, I heard Kei's cry.

"I don't want Kiyotaka to protect me anymore! I like Kiyotaka, so I want to cooperate for Kiyotaka! That's why ...!"

...Kei will not rely on me anymore? She still doesn't have the power to protect herself. Still, she tries to help me with nothing in return.

The calculation had already disappeared. Kei likes me as a person more than I do.

... You are growing up,Kei .

After walking for a while, I came to another bench again . Tsubaki is sitting there, and she smiles eerily and looks at me.

"You already knew ."

She removed the wiretap device on my sleeve.

"I heard you after all. I added it roughly, and I wonder if my seniors can afford it."

It seems that I was being checked if I really broke up with Kei or not.

"Then I'm Senpai's girlfriend from now on. Take care of me Kiyotaka Senpai ."

"Ah... Sakurako."

tsubaki hugged me.

"Did you hurt your heart when you broke up with Karuizawa?"

I couldn't leave the dying tsubaki in front of me.

But seeing tsubaki hating, loving, and dependent on me, or hugging me in this way, doesn't change my impressions from when I hugged Kei.

"... No, not at all."

"That's right. My favorite Senpai ."

"That's why ... You are going out with Sakurako Tsubaki. So,stop excessive skinship from now on."

"I don't know!"

When I told Amazawa about Tsubaki, she got angry.

"Why do you want to go out with Tsubaki !? She's a white room enforcer who's been aiming for you all the time !? She love you and she hates you! But Why!"

Amazawa stirs me up, perhaps because of my thoughts .

"Tsubaki has no intention of dropping me out anymore, and she doesn't seem to really hate me."

"Even if it is! Why is it tsubaki !? Why did you have to abandon Karuizawa and choose her?"

... Don't poke the painful part.

"Hey, what's good about Tsubaki !? You probably don't know her personality because she's been an enemy until now, isn't she terrible anyway? I will work hard and do my best for my senpai ! "

"... Calm down. I didn't choose her for that reason."

"Why then! Saying that you like Karuizawa so much,In this short period of time, yesterday today, my senpai's feelings seem to easily change."

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