#2 To establish a new class [Competing with Horikita and the contract]

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Continuation of the previous chapter.
When I was on my way to school with Sudo and Hirata, I noticed something.

"Hey, look at that..."

Sudo also noticed and looked at Ichinose, pointing a finger at her.

"It's unusual for her not to go to school with the rest of the class."

Hirata seemed to have noticed and said what he thought.
It was true, Ichinose always went to school with someone from her class. She never been to school at this time before.
In fact, I'm always out at this time, but I've never seen her.
This can't be...
Well, we can think about that later.
But I have a favor to ask Hirata and Sudo.

"Can you do me a favor?"

I arrived at the classroom and opened the door.
As expected, the moment I walked in, the room went quiet and they started talking in secret.
The people in my group were saying a lot of things to me as well.
Well, I guess they were just like that from the beginning.

By the way, Sudo and Hirata didn't come to school with me. I had asked them earlier to keep their distance from me on the front page.
Sudo and Hirata didn't agree right away, and they didn't agree when I told them that it would be bad for them to be with me.
I couldn't help but feel happy for them, but I managed to persuade them and they agreed on the condition that they would call me if anything happened.
I think I've made some really good friends.

As I was heading for my seat, I was approached by an unexpected person.

"Good morning. Ayanokoji Boy."

The class couldn't hide the greeting from the unexpected person.

"...Good morning. Koenji. What's up with you all of a sudden?"

The class is now paying attention, and I ask Koenji.

"I was just worried that you were in a very difficult situation. But I can't stand to hear them talk about you who are lower than you. It's stressful, isn't it?"

This comment was made in the midst of all the attention of the class.
This was something only Koenji could do.
The classmates who were insulted straight away showed their anger on their faces.
I'll do some of that.

"You can't talk like that, Koenji. Backbiting is a privilege of the weak. Don't say that you can only talk behind my back because you can't win."

When I said that, Koenji smiled, and the rest of the class glared at me and spat at me.

"Who's the weakling here, Ayanokoji? Because of you, we've lost!"

"Yeah! We did lose because of you!"

Ike, Shinohara, and the others were all saying that they lost because of me.
Hirata, who had arrived earlier, was looking at me worriedly, and Sudo seemed to be unable to hide his annoyance.
And Kei was glaring at her classmates with a fierce glare.

"Why did you lose because of me?"

"'That's obvious! We lost the last chess game and that's why we're in class D!."

"That's an interesting story. Before the exam, you guys said that it doesn't matter who's in command."

"Well, that's..."

When I say this, my classmates get bitter and regretful expressions on their faces.
Well, I guess these guys want to blame someone else for their loss.

"Ayanokoji boy, why don't you stop bullying the weak?"

"Well, I guess I'm wasting my time."

I sat down in my seat, ignoring my classmates who were still glaring at me as I said this.
Then I got a glare from my neighbor.

"You're pathetic, really pathetic for letting your classmates insult you."

"Sorry, Horikita. I'm not interested in people who are lower than me."

"I'm lower than you? Keep your jokes to your face. I'm better than you in both academics and sports."

"Why don't we have a competition? The last test of the school year is coming up soon, right? The loser gets to say one word about anything."

"I don't care, I'm not going to lose."

"Then I'll record this conversation and it'll serve as a contract."

With that, I pulled out my phone and asked Horikita to confirm the facts and record them.

"You're good at math, aren't you? Let's play math."

"...Are you sure you can win against me?"

"Playing with a kid like you is certainly boring."

My words made Horikita angry and she cursed at me, but I ignored her.

"Hahaha! That's an interesting thing you're saying. Horikita girl."

"What is it, Koenji-kun?"

Koenji responded to Horikita's slightly grumpy remark with his usual easygoing smile.

"I wanted to make a contract with the boys and girls of the class, and the Horikita girl."


Koenji's attention is drawn to him as he speaks loudly enough for the entire class to hear.

"Yes! Here's the deal. If you can beat Ayanokoji Boy in the test, I promise to contribute to this class. You can sign the contract. I'll also distribute the three million points I have to everyone in the class!"

The whole class was surprised by the terms of the contract, but they gradually calmed down and started to support Horikita because they think I would lose.

"Are you sure about this?"

"Yes, you can make a contract and bring it to me tomorrow. And if you lose..."

"How about 3 million points for me and Ayanokoji Boy from all of our classmates. If it's not enough, it'll be in the form of a loan, and those in debt can't have any points until the 3 million points are paid. I'll give you three million points too. Is that clear?"

After Koenji finished, there was a slight silence, and some people thought that they should reconsider, but they said that there was no way Horikita would lose, and the voices in favor of Horikita became louder.

"I'm fine with those conditions, there's no way I can lose."

After confirming with such a confident Horikita, Koenji came over to me.

"I'll leave it to you then, Ayanokoji boy."

"I'll make some money too, so that helps."

When I said that, the class made fun of me.

"You don't have to thank me, Ayanokoji-boy."

And with that, he went back to his seat.
You're an absolute wreck.
I can't think of anyone who fits that description better than that guy.

After that, Horikita gave me some shit talk, but I ignored it all and organized what I was going to do.

Well, I'm getting frustrated writing this.

I'll be working on a new class next time, so please look forward to it.

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