As I'm making lunch I guest my phone go off causing me to answer it. "Hello?" I ask. "Hey James." I hear my brother say. "Hey Oliver how's it going?" I ask making lunch. "It's going good. How's it going for you guys?" He asks. "Not to good. Dahalia has a cold and autumn came down with the flu. So we have two sick kids." I say making lunch. "Mate I'm sorry. How are you and Hadaza feeling?" He asks. "I'm doing okay. Just tired. I'm not sure how Hadaza is doing. She hasn't said anything." I say finishing. "Good. If you need help just let mum and I know." He says. "I'll let mum know. I just want you and Katie and the kids to stay away for a few days till we know that the kids aren't contagious anymore." I say putting the food on plates. "Will do. Hopefully the girls get better soon." He says. "Same. I'll talk to you soon brother." I say getting stuff ready to take up to my wife. "Yep. Talk to you later James." He says hanging up. I hang up and put my phone in my pocket and make my way to my wife. After getting off the phone with my brother I head upstairs with the food and bring it to my wife and smile seeing her sat on the bed and Tonto in his bed. "Here's lunch love. Any noises from our girls?" I ask handing her her food. "None yet. Little stretching movements from dahalia and from the sounds coming from autumns room is just coughs and sneezes." She says taking the food. "Good. I just got off the phone with Oliver and he hopes the girls get better quickly. Also if we need anything that we just have to ask." I say looking at her. "You told him that him, Katie and the kids shouldn't come over for a few days correct?" She asks eating. "Yes." I say eating my lunch. "Okay. I don't like seeing my babies sick." She says looking at me. "I know love. I know. It will be okay." I say rubbing her back. "Yeah it will." She says nodding and relaxing eating the rest of her lunch. I smile and eat watching her feel at peace for once in a blue moon.

We finish eating after two hours and my wife goes to clean up while I go and check on the kids to see how they are doing. I finish and smile softly seeing that Dahalia's fever is down but see autumn's fever is still high. "Hey princess wake up for me please." I say gently rubbing her shoulder. "Daddy?" She asks tiredly and rubs her eyes waking up. "Hi princess I know you want to sleep but I need you to take some more medication." I say getting some more for her. "Otay daddy." She says yawning and sits up taking the medication. "Good girl. Can you try and eat some toast for daddy if I made it for you?" I ask cleaning up. "Yes daddy." She says tiredly and gets out of bed. "Okay let me go get you some." I say standing up and take the medication with me. Autumn sits and waits as I make toast for her. "How's autumn doing? Dahalia's fever is down which is good." My wife says taking the medication. "Autumn still has a fever. I just gave her a little more medication and now she's going to try to stomach some toast." I say getting the toast. "Okay." My wife says going to check the wash. I smile and go upstairs with the plate of toast. "Autumn? Princess?" I ask walking in and not see her. Setting the plate down I walk around her room trying to find her and the see the bathroom door was shut. "Autumn love it's daddy. You okay in there?" I ask knocking. "Yes daddy. Almost done." She calls back. "Alright." I say smiling.

A few moments later I hear the water running and then the door open to reveal my two year old daughter. "You went potty all by yourself love?" I ask walking back with her to her bed. "Yes daddy." She says going to her little table and sits. I smile and set the toast on the table for her. "I'm proud of you princess. Try and eat some toast for daddy." I say smiling and go to the bathroom to get the thermometer to see if her fever dropped. Autumn sits and nibbles on her toast as I check her temperature. "Well good news baby girl you don't have a high fever anymore. Your getting better already." I say smiling. Autumn smiles and nibbles her toast. "Is your throat sore at all princess?" I ask. "No daddy." She says setting her toast down and yawns. "Okay. Let's get you back into bed then." I say looking down at her. She nods and goes to her bed and climbs in snuggling under the covers. "I'll be back to check on you in an hour baby girl." I say smiling and stroke her cheek gently. "Otay daddy." She says yawning and falls asleep. I smile and leave the room and wash my hands then go check on my other daughter. "Well hello my wife and beautiful daughter." I say walking in and see my wife holding our daughter Dahalia. "Say hi daddy." My wife says gently stroking her hair. Dahalia smiles and waves her hand. I smile and rub her back gently. "You feeling better baby girl?" I ask. Dahalia just giggles and nods holding on her mother. "Her temperature is normal." My wife says smiling. "Yay my little princess is all better. Come here darling." I say smiling and gently take her in my arms causing her to smile. Dahalia willingly goes into my arms and holds onto my shirt and smiles. "Hi baby girl. I am so glad that you are feeling better. Lets hope your sister feels better soon." I say smiling and hold her. Dahalia smiles and coughs a bit holding me. "How was Autumn?" My wife asks. "She ate a bit of her toast." I say rubbing my daughters back gently and nuzzle her neck softly causing her to giggle. "Okay. Is she napping again or no?" She asks watching me. "Yeah she's napping." I say looking at her. Dahalia coos and holds my shirt looking around. "Okay. Hopefully she gets better quickly." She says cleaning up a bit. "I know baby." I say kissing her head. Dahalia whines a bit wanting attention and gently grabs my face gently wanting attention. "Okay princess okay. You have my attention." I say looking at her.

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