Chapter 6

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(Oliver's POV)
I'm so excited today is the day my twin brother is getting married. Right now I'm with him helping him get ready. "You nervous brother?" I ask him helping him with his tie. "Of course I'm nervous Oliver. I mean I'm basically marrying this beautiful woman whom I've know for three and a half years in front of everyone. How were you able to stay so calm when you married Katy?" He asks me. "I had my mates with me crack stupid jokes as well as just listening to calming music. If anything Hadaza is just as nervous as you maybe even more." I say reassuring him. "Thanks brother." He says smiling getting ready.

(Katy's POV)
I'm so excited to be getting a sister in law. I'm with my future sister in law Hadaza helping her get into her dress. "I'm so nervous! What if I go down there and James is gone? What if I trip over heels? What if.." Hadaza starts and panics. "Hadaza stop. Look at me. You will be fine. Close your eyes and take three deep breaths. I tell this to Ollie all the time when he's stressed about anything." I tell her grabbing her hands gently. She stops and breaths deeply relaxing. "Better?" I ask. "Much. Thank you for agreeing to be my maid of honor." She says. "Your welcome." I say smiling at her. She smiles as I put her vail on her and then we make our way down.

(Hadaza's POV)
I'm so nervous as everyone goes ahead in front of me that I start shaking a bit but keep calm as I walk down the isle to James. Walking down by myself is nerve wracking but fun. I get to James and smile handing my flowers to my sister in law and then take James hand and stand next to him shaking a bit less then I was a moment before. We go through the ceremony and then get to the vows. We both decided to write our own vows since it was more personal to us that way. I start first by taking my paper I wrote my vows on. "James for as long as I've know you I knew that I would marry you. Meeting you was the best things that happened in my life. Your witty personality and your sense of humor never seems to stop amazing me. You have been with me through a lot of things that most guys would run away from. I was skeptical at first when I met you and we went on the first date because I've been hurt countless times but you showed me what a true man is and have proven that time and time again. You are everything I've wanted in a husband since I was a little girl and you being from the UK was an added bonus. You are my best friend and I love you. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you James Andrew Eric Phelps." I say tearing up and hand my paper back to my maid of honor and dry my eyes with my thumb. James reads his causing me to laugh and smile and cry. We then get to the rings. James puts my ring halfway on my finger and repeats after the pastor but gets his words jumbled up and says "wafflely wedded" instead of "lawfully wedded" causing all of us to burst out laughing. I stand there laughing trying my hardest not to ugly laugh but fail to do so. "Give her a moment." James says as I calm down and dry my eyes again with my thumb and continue on with the ceremony. Once both of our rings were on we turn to each other and kiss. James pulls me into him gently and kisses me. I kiss back and wrap my arms around his neck holding him then pull away and walk down the isle with him as Mrs. Phelps.

We go to cocktail hour where we are constantly get pictures by my best friend who's a photographer. I know one thing my mom wants is a family photo with both families and I give her that. Then we move into the reception and the night was so much fun and then it ends with James and I going back to his house or should I say out house and go inside and end the night.

(James's POV)
So the wedding has started and I stand nervously waiting Hadaza to come down. I look up a few moments later and see her walking down the isle is this beautiful dress that fits her perfectly. She gets to me and takes my hand and I can tell she is shaking a bit. We get to the vows and she reads hers then I get mine out and read it. "Hadaza from the moment I met you I knew there was something different about you. You are the sweetest, most caring and beautiful person in the world. I knew from the moment I saw you and we went on the first date I knew you would be the one I would marry. You saw me as a person and not Fred Weasley from the Harry Potter films which is hard for most people to do. No matter what happens whether we fight or laugh I know that we can get through whatever comes are way together as one. You are fantastic and I love you with all my heart. I can't wait to spend the rest of my life with you. I love you." I say finishing and look up seeing her smiling and laughing in tears drying her eyes with her thumb. We then get to the rings. I put her ring halfway on her finger and repeat after the pastor but I get my   words jumbled up and say "wafflely wedded" instead of "lawfully wedded" causing all of us to burst out laughing. She stands there laughing trying her hardest not to ugly laugh but she fails to do so. "Give her a moment." I say as she calms down and dries her eyes again with her thumb and continue on with the ceremony. Once both of our rings were on we turn to each other and kiss. I pull her into me gently and kiss her. She kisses back and wraps her arms around my neck holding me then pulls away and walk down the isle with mw as Mrs. Phelps my wife.

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