Chapter 3

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(Warning: this talks about some mature content. If you don't like it skip to the next chapter. If not you have been warned.)

(Hadaza's POV)
It's the next morning and I wake up feeling my body being held in someone's arms. I smile look up and smile seeing I was asleep in James arms. Gently and quietly I get out of his grip and the covers and make my way to the bathroom. Once I finish I sneak back in but see James wide awake. "Hey there you are. I was wondering where you went." He says. "I just had to go to the bathroom. Since we are both up mom made breakfast it smells like." I say grabbing a cropped hoodie and throw it over me. "Sure." He says getting up and stretch then grabs my hand and walks out with me to the kitchen. "Hey you two sleep well last night?" My mom asks. "I did. I was exhausted. Franklin and my job wore me out yesterday." I say.

"I slept very well Mrs. Jamerson. The jet leg helped a lot." James says smiling. "Good. There's eggs, bacon, and toast and some fresh fruit and coffee." My mom says. I smile and grab two plates and hand James one then get myself some breakfast then grab a cup and pour some coffee for me which I then take a seat at the table. James follows my lead and sits down next to me. "So what do you two plan on doing today?" Her mom asks us. "Well I'm going to go house shopping with James and help him find a place for him and for the future." I says taking a sip of coffee. "Fun. Oh while your out can you get the groceries please darling." My mom asks. "Of course mom. Just give me the list and we'll go." I state. "Thank you honey." My mom says handing me the list. I take  it and eat my breakfast.

Once I finish breakfast I go and take a quick shower then change into a pair of jeans and a flannel button up shirt. I walk into tent room focusing on my buttonig my shirt and not really seeing James. "Ehhhhm." I hear someone say. I stop and look up and see a shirtless James. "OH MY GOD IM SORRY!" I say turning around and finish button my shirt hearing him chuckle. "It's fine love. You've seen me shirtless before." He says causing me to turn around. "True. Next time I'll knock. I totally forgot that you were getting changed." I say giggling. "It's fine. Your shirts not button correctly." He says causing me to look down and sigh seeing I didn't button it correctly. "Uhhhhhhhh!" I groan going to the mirror in my room and rebutton my shirt. "There better." I say finishing and smile then go to brushing my damp hair then blow drying it. "Your hair is long love. Wear it down more often." He says after I finish.

"Well I'm going to put it in a ponytail and then just leave it like that. You almost ready to go house hunting?" I ask through my hair into a high ponytail then slip on some warm socks. "I am. Once you get your shoes on we can go." He says. I nod and grab my phone and purse and keys then make my way out to the pourch to get my boots on and then throw my coat on. "Drive safe." My mom says. "I will mom. Love you." I say as I walk out with James and get into my car. "Sorry if it's a bit of a mess. My nieces and nephews like to make a mess in the car." I say getting in and staring it up and put my purse down on the floor behind me. "It's fine. It just surprises me to see car seats in your car. I can't wait to have them for us." He says. "I can't wait to get married and start a family." I say pulling out and driving to meet his agent who was helping him hunt for a house. We arrive at the first house his agent was showing him and park getting out. "Hi James. Who's this?" She asks shaking his hand then looks at me. "Hi Andrea this is my girlfriend of two and a half years Hadaza. Hopefully to be my wife one day. She's gonna help me look for a house today." James says.

"Pleasure to meet You Hadaza. Let's head inside and take a look." She says going inside with us. I go in with James and look around listening to her tell us about the house. "This is a little too small for my liking and for me height wise. I am 6'3 so I don't think it's right for me." James says after we finish looking. "Understandable." His agent states. "It did have the right number of rooms and bathrooms as well as close to the location he wants to be in, but the height is a bit of a factor for him." I add. "That's right." He says smiling down at me. "I have two more houses to show you today. So let's head on over." She says as we all walk to the cars. We drive to the next house which is five minutes from my house and the old house so I'm not far from my family at all. James and I get out and meet with his agent again as we get a tour around of the house which checks off everything on James list with the bonus of a giant back yards and being slightly secluded from neighbors but still being close to them. "This is an amazing house. I hits every check mark on my list with the added bonus of a back yard and being separated from our neighbors." He says. "I like it too. And it's below your price range too meaning if you want to update it a bit then you have wiggle room to do so." I add.

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