Chapter 35

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(Hadaza's POV)
I woke up the next morning and stretch my body and feel a hand tighten slightly on my waist as I start to sit up. "Morning love." My husband says looking at me tiredly. "Morning." I say holding him gently and look at him. He smiles and kisses my head softly and then sits up checking to see if our daughter as awake and then lays back down holding me. "She's not up yet. What do you want to do today?" He asks looking at me. "How hot is it outside?" I ask him and sit up slightly. "It's suppose to be cooler today in the 70's." He says checking the phone and the weather. "Okay. I wanna say lets try the park again." I say looking at him. "You sure? I mean we have two weeks to go to the parks. We can just stay here and rest." He asks me. "I'm fine James. I won't work myself to hard. Besides its cooler today." I say looking at him. "Okay." He says stroking my hair and looks at me. I smile and rub my stomach feeling Dahalia start moving. "She's moving isn't she." He asks rubbing my stomach gently. I nod and smile watching him and hear my daughter Autumn wake up and stretch getting our attention. "Morning princess." He asks picking her up and sets her on his lap and rubs her back. "Dadda." She says hugging him gently. "Hi princess. You hungry?" He asks her and moves her hair out of her face. Autumn nods tiredly and hugs him. "Alright lets get ready then." I say smiling and stretch then get up slowly getting my sense of balance. My husband stands up with our daughter and goes to change her letting me get myself ready. I stand up and start to get dress slowly and struggle a bit with my pants and decide to sit down and rest a bit. "Momma." I hear my daughter call me as she runs to me. "Hi princess. Look at you. Daddy did a good job dressing you." I say smiling as my husband comes out dressed and ready to go.

"Love you okay?" He asks me seeing me sitting down. "I'm fine. I just gave up on putting my pants on. I got to weak and my hands started hurting." I say shrugging and look at him. "How bout these." He says pulling out a pair of my leggings. "Okay." I say taking my jeans off and reach my hand out for the leggings. "Nope I'm helping you put them on." He says putting my leggings on for me. "Thank you." I say letting him and grab my phone hearing it go off. James put them on me. "Your parents are going to meet us at the park. They got in late last night and are tired and a bit hungover." I say reading the text. "Okay." He says finishing. "Dadda. Up." My daughter whines. "Hold on princess daddy is helping mommy." He says helping me put my pants on. Autumn waits pouting. My husband finishes and picks up our daughter and sets her on his hip. "Okay what do you want now princess?" He asks her. Autumn holds onto his shirt and look at him. "Wuv ooo." She says looking at him and lays her head on his shoulder. "I love you too princess. Lets have a one to one talk princess." He says walking to the other bed and set her on it kneeling in front of her. Autumn sits and looks at him tilting her head to the side and listens to him as he explains something to her. I smile and stand up and go to grab my shoes and put them on my feet as my husband finishes talking to her and get her shoes and puts them on her. Autumn sits watching him and smiles at the shoes. "Alright you are all set to go princess." He says smiling and helps her off the bed and let her run around.

I smile and watch her and start to pack my bag for today. "We ready for some breakfast?" James asks us and wraps his arms around my waist gently. "I know Dahalia and I are hungry. I'm not sure about autumn?" I say standing up and hold his hands against me and watch autumn walk over to us. "You hungry princess?" He asks her. Autumn nods and giggles. "Alright. Lets go." He says grabbing the stroller and the dipper bag. I smile and put my bag on me and grab our phones and the giant water bottles then take my daughters hand. James grabs the room key and then lets us go first. "Alright princess lets play the quiet game okay." I say opening the door and look at her. Autumn looks at me and smiles as I hold the door open with my back and let my husband out with the stroller. James walks out and waits for us to get in front. I get in front and walk with my daughter holding her hand as she jumps down the hallway not making a lot of noise which makes me happy. "Look at her James. She's so happy." I say looking back at my husband as I walk. "I know. She's a good listener." He says as we walk. "Dwwwggg." She says once we reach the lobby seeing a dog and points pulling my hand. "Yes princess doggy. We don't pet them unless we ask the person." My husband says. I look at him and sigh softly seeing the love she has for dogs just like her father and see that I need to maybe cave in to getting a dog. Autumn looks at her father and nods. "Would the little one like to pet the dog?" The lady asks as we walk by. I stop and look at my husband for approval. "Sure." He says stopping and goes to our daughter and kneels next to her. The lady walks over with the dog and let my daughter pet the doggy. "Like this princess. Watch daddy." He says letting the dog sniff him and pets the dog showing his daughter. Autumn watches and then does what her father was doing. The dog lets her and sits wagging her tail being very gentle with our daughter. "You like petting the doggy?" The lady asks kneeling next to her dog. I smile watching her and rub my stomach standing next to the stroller. "Thank you for letting our daughter pet your dog." My husband says smiling watching as our daughter get disinterested. "Your welcome. Your daughter is so sweet." She says standing up. "Thank you. Can you say bye bye to the nice lady Autumn?" I say. Autumn waves to her and smiles grabbing her daddy's hand. "Have a nice day guys." The lady says smiling and walks off. "You too. And thanks again." I say smiling and make my way to the breakfast area pushing the stroller.

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