Chapter 1

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This story is based before the smp war and all that, hope you enjoy reading.


On a peaceful silent day, most people were spending their time in the sun or finishing errands. Gold jewellery attracted the wealthy women while their lovers looked through the opposite stalls, weapons attracted young hunters that could not tell coin from product. Food that lulled those with mid-day taste of sweets to the smiling faces of all the market traders.

People were also expecting the desperate there. The beggars that glanced at the rich who did not clutch their purses hard enough, those who let their pockets linger open. Those people are the target of theft, the vulnerable who fall into a trap. Where was I? Running from a few of the wealthy with a small backpack hanging against my side.

My feet pounded as I sprinted through the forest, avoiding loose tree roots, and hopping over stumps in my path. I smirked, a small gleam in my eyes as I heard the guards' voices grow more distant for, I had lost them. I burst into a small clearing seeing the walls of L'manberg. One small issue. Standing in my path, were three fairly tall men, backs faced away from me towards the walls. I stared at the three, my heart was pounding out my chest. Thoughts were running through my head, I had to get to Wilbur before the guards' found me. But how do I get past them? I heard loud shouts behind me breaking my thoughts, guess I must run past them...

I sped up my pace as one of the males' head snapped backwards: he had rather messy chestnut brown hair, and white rounded glasses covering his eyes. I froze and smiled awkwardly. He places a hand on the taller man in the middle, who turns his head having something whispered to him. He wore a mask with a painted on smiley face and, wore a lop-sided grin. That only grew as he caught sight of me, is he good? My eyes widen as I see he has a Netherite axe gripped in his possession, but before I could think I could hear shouting grow louder. They were gaining on me.

The male cocked his head looking behind me, as I ran towards them. Let's hope this works... My brain seemed to stop working at that moment, as I pulled the taller one down to face me. Keeping me out of view from the passing guards. He gazed down at me, as I looked up at him letting our eyes meet. My palms grew hot as I gripped the lime green hoodie, trying to pay attention to the footsteps heading past us. I took this time to take in what I could see of his appearance: He had dirty blonde hair sticking out from behind his mask, I couldn't see any of his face other than his mouth which was pulled into a smirk.

Once they left, I released my hold on the male and left out a small sigh. The male I saw before stifles a chuckle as he looks at the two of us, 'You're name princess?' What? My brain stops, no thoughts. Just a blank sheet. 'Y/N' I mumble, trying to form the right words. The male took a step closer, looking down at me. Okay just who does this guy think he is. 'Alright, what do you want? I don't have all day.' He crouched to my level, okay I'm about to punch a man. 'Send a message to L'manberg: You have two days to surrender, If I do not see white flags by dawn there will be a war.' I crossed my arms and nodded slightly, as he smiled standing up properly. They gave me one last glance, before leaving into the woods.

I spun myself around and made my way to L'manberg. Wilbur awaited me by the gates, once upon seeing me his eyes filled with relief. 'Took you long enough, now what crime did you commit today?' I chuckled at Will's comment while being engulfed in a hug, which I happily returned. 'Oh, y'know just small theft' I shrugged while Wilbur shook his head laughing. 'Should have guessed, we had imperial guards just leave a moment ago' I nod a scratch the nape of my neck. 'I have a message of a group of males I met along the way, by the sounds of it. It's urgent.' Wilbur's smile faded, instead it was replaced with a look of distraught. We made our way further into L'manberg, moving out of ears reach. I then repeated what the male had told me, hesitating the second time round as I watched his hands ball into a fist.

'Anyway, I'll get going Will, try and get some rest you look tired.' I bow my head, Wilbur nods and we both part ways. I throw my bag on the grass and, lie down resting my head against it. I wasn't planning on sleeping anytime soon, I just stared at the sky. Letting my thoughts take over my head. What war was going on? Why wasn't I notified while on my travels? Surely someone could have wrote to me. And finally...

Who was that man?


Hello everyone, I hope you enjoyed the first chapter. I will improve eventually however if this story makes anyone (such as Dream himself however I doubt he'd read this) then I'll be ending it. Also don't be expecting any smut, I respect Clay and I feel it would make him uncomfortable sorry to disappoint. However, if you want smut (won't link to the Dream SMP) then read my friend's book: Link in comments

The thief and the villain {DWT X Reader} [DISCONTINUED]Where stories live. Discover now