''You should try it this way.'' Aydan said then and out of the blue he got up from the bed and wrapped his arms around William's narrow waist while stuffing the hem of his shirt in his pants.

William's face turned red and he just gaped at his friend from their reflection. He was prepared for pretty much anything that could happen during the evening, but this unexpected proximity dumbfounded him, and all he could get out of his mouth was a strangled: ''Um.''

Aydan seemed to notice his straightforwardness and took a stood back a few steps.

''It looks better this way.'' He said then and excused himself in the bathroom, rambling something about them having to leave soon and that it was time to get ready. William just looked at his reflection from the mirror, ignoring the redness of his face, and thought that Aydan was right.

''Want me to come tomorrow?'' Aydan asked a while later, when William was turning off the driveway. The dream, that William had been seeing at times, came to his mind: Aydan watching from afar while he was drowning.

''I guess it would be fine for Coach.'' William said then, not taking his eyes off the road. His answer seemed to delight Aydan, who started asking him more about the competition: were James and Brandy competing too, how had they been training lately etc.

The clubhouse was one of the oldest buildings in the town, and they had to drive for a good while to get there. As it was old, it was big and spacious: they had to walk through resounding hallways after showing the tickets at the main entrance, until they could hear music and then they arrived to a gloomy night club.

It was furnished to look like an old bar: red lightning, bar stools in front of the bar counter, golden decorations, brown leather couches, neon signs and wooden tables. It all looked pretty nice to William, because he liked the roughness of the brick walls combined with the gaudy interior.

Their table was near the stage, and Josh, George and Aubree were already there. They were sitting on a sofa, whereas William quickly took his place at the end of the other sofa by the table, because he didn't feel like he could face George just yet.

Aydan went to get drinks — Cupa Libre for himself and orange juice for William — and then sat next to William.

All those little things Aydan did to show he cared about William still felt good. And bittersweet. So, you care about me today? What about tomorrow?

William thanked Aydan and took a sip from the glass, trying to get rid of the fidgety feeling he had being there with the others. Especially the way George stole glances of him made William nervous, because he could remember all the things that happened between them, even though it was a long time ago. He really should have a few words with him at some point.

Aydan told William that Adam was visiting them at the end of summer and he asked William if he wanted to see him too. William, who wasn't making long-term plans these days — other than the dream of Internationals — hesitated for a split second. He really liked Adam, and he hadn't seen him for some time, so the thought of seeing him made William wistful.

''Sure, that would be nice.'' He said and smiled shortly.

William had a brief moment when he thought it had been a good idea to come, but that passed quickly when Claudia joined them. She was wearing a slash neck lavender dress that brought forth all the curves of her annoyingly flawless body. There were two unfamiliar guys, who turned out to be her friends from the band, and Brooke with her.

It wasn't that Claudia somehow ruined the atmosphere, but that Aydan started ignoring William right after she came. It wasn't like he forgot William existed, and he didn't stop talking to him, it was just clear from his eyes and his body language that she was the centre of his world.

Stay (Boy × Boy) ✔Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora