''You haven't been yourself lately.'' Aydan started cautiously, making William turn his head sharply from the seascape he had been looking at.

''And I was just thinking, if Claudia or her friends have something to do with it.'' Aydan continued haltingly.

William's heart started throbbing again, this time because of distress and fear of getting caught. Should he lie or tell the truth even if it put their friendship in a risk?

''I guess I'm just afraid of losing you.'' It was probably the most sincere sentence William had uttered after that Day. Aydan looked astonished and for a while he didn't say anything.

''We'll always be together. You're like a brother to me, and no girl can get between family.'' He said.

Well, I haven't regarded you as a brother in such a long time, William thought wistfully, but what he said was: ''You say that now, but you can't know for sure.''

''I know I won't leave you. If we don't stay together, it's you who's going to leave.'' Aydan was looking at the ocean, a sad look in his blue eyes, and William knew he meant everything he said.

''Like I had anywhere to go.'' William said quietly, and he too really meant it.

There was a whisper of autumn in the air and the sea breeze felt crisp on their skin, yet they didn't hurry getting back in the beach house. William looked at his friend, who was smoking another cigarette, hoping it would be just them two till the end of time.

Yet he couldn't dismiss the image of a beautiful, hazel eyed and brown haired girl who was everything William could never be.

''Did Claudia get upset when you came here instead of seeing her?'' William asked, feeling a stab of conscience for hoping that he could have Aydan all to himself.

''A little, but it's fine.'' Aydan said, clearly not wanting to talk about it. ''Let's go inside, it's getting cold.'' He said then, as if saying he was done talking for the day.

As William laid on his bed — in the same room with Aydan, who was already sound asleep — he didn't feel tired at all. There were too many thoughts on his mind, and he didn't really want to engross in any of those.

The day had been successful and William was happy, but there was something that blunted his contentment: if after this weekend Aydan was back to what he had been lately, it would be unbearable. It would break William, if after this new hope he would find out it was all in vain. Hope can keep one going, but hope can be dangerous too.

In the morning William wasn't much perkier than he had been the day before. It had been a struggle to get the thoughts quiet down to a point he could even dream about falling asleep.

Just like the last time William had opened his eyes in the beach house, he could smell coffee and bread, which had a similar effect to his stomach.

''Good morning.'' Aydan said when William walked to the kitchen. There was, again, a ready-made breakfast waiting for him on the table.

It was adorable, seeing how Aydan took care of him, but during his pondering last night, William had realised something. This trip, all those nice gestures and all the things Aydan had said, seemed deliberate like he was trying his best to please William. Maybe he was wrong, but somehow the conclusion had made him despondent.

''Morning. Did you sleep well?'' William asked on autopilot, his mind wandering somewhere else.

''Yup, better than in that wretched apartment of mine.'' Aydan didn't seem to notice the change on William's state of mind.

Actually Aydan's apartment was anything but wretched: it might not be that spacious, but it was newly renovated and quite luxurious. Oh, and not to mention it was a penthouse.

The second day they had at the beach house was really nice, even though William was feeling a tiny bit melancholic.

They went swimming again, and everything was pretty much the same it had been since they were kids. Well, apart from the impact Aydan had on William every time he touched him; the touch made William's heart flutter and it lingered on his skin for a long time.

Let alone the occasion when Aydan playfully decided to carry William back to the car, when they were leaving. Aydan captured William in his arms and lifted him up, like he was as light as a child, a smirk on his lips.

''Hey! The first time was more than enough.'' William cried out and tried to wriggle himself to freedom, but it was all in vain. Aydan only let him go as they were at the car.

''You know I'm not a child anymore, right?'' William frowned.

''You're younger than me, so you'll always be a kid to me.'' Aydan laughed.

William cursed him as an answer, but he was secretly delighted. This was the friend he had known since he was young; the playful, guileless and caring friend he had become so fond with.

The Aydan William knew wasn't someone, who made jokes that were actually hidden mockery or who ignored William as soon as there were "the cooler ones'' with them. More than anything William hoped that he'd continue seeing the version of Aydan he had seen on the beach house.

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