21. What's Meant To Be Will Be

Start from the beginning

"Alright," Aaron said, setting his tablet down on the table.

"Mel and Reid I want you to go see the bodies. Morgan and Rossi, you take the first crime scene. JJ and I will take the second crime scene and Prentiss I'd like you to start with the male families.

"Mel and Reid when you're finished at the morgue I want you to start with the female families. Meet at the station in two hours."

We all nodded as Aaron gave out instructions and we all turned back to our notes.

"Psst," I looked up at Spencer sat next to me to find him grinning down at me excitedly.

"This is the first time we've been paired together." He whispered in an excited tone. It was then that it hit me that Aaron had actually paired us together.

He hadn't done that since he found out Spencer and I were dating. Somehow that made me extremely happy.

I peered over my shoulder to see Aaron taking to his seat, glancing out of his window with his usual trademark frown.

"I know," I grinned, turning back to Spencer. "I can't believe he'd pair us together again." I whispered.

"Me neither." He agreed.
"It's exciting." I admitted. Spencer smiled broadly at me but we were interrupted with the laptop bleeping as Garcia's face appeared frantically.

"Uh guys, we may have a problem." She announced and Aaron got to his feet, hurrying over to the table again where the laptop was situated between JJ and I on the table.

"What's the matter Garcia?" Aaron asked in his authoritative voice.

"Local PD have withdrawn their invitation." She stated and I frowned in confusion, glancing up at Aaron so he could translate what this meant exactly.

"They've done what?" He asked in a shocked and enraged tone.
"They've retracted their invitation," She said simply. "They've literally just sent me an email saying they made a mistake by inviting us in and they don't need our help after all."

"Have they made an arrest?" Aaron demanded.
"They didn't say." She shook her head and an email appeared on our tablets from the Denver PD.

"What do we do now?" Morgan asked in an enraged voice.

"We don't change anything," Aaron said matter-of-factly. "They initially invited us for a reason and they've withdrawn that invitation for a reason too. Our job now is to find out why they felt so intimated to do so."


Instead of doing everything Aaron had suggested we do; there was mutual agreement across the team for us all to head straight to the police station to find out exactly what was going on.

As soon as we entered the station heads turned to us, all eyes in the station settling on our presence.

"If looks could kill I'm pretty sure we'd be dead and buried." I mumbled to Spencer as we followed behind Aaron as he led the way inside the station.

"I'm looking for Detective Morris." He announced in a clear and authoritative voice.

"I'm Detective Morris." A man in his late fifties with white hair and a long white moustache approached in a brown suit, his wrinkled face frowning as he joined us in the middle of the station.

"I'm SSA Aaron Hotchner with the FBI Behavioural Analysis Unit. I believe you sent an invitation requiring our help."

"That invitation was a mistake," Detective Morris said in a displeased tone. "We do not need your help."

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