Chapter 2: A Miraci-what?

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3rd person pov:

The school bell rang throughout the building, alerting everyone it was time to move to the next class. Everyone began rising from their seats as their teacher spoke about gym class. A teen with a bright red hoodie and slicked up brown and blond hair smirked, looking over at another, a big and tall boy who wore a grey t-shirt. The hooded boy handed a piece of paper to the other. "Kim!" The tall boy said with an agitated voice. The boy dubbed Kim still smirking, proud of his achievement to piss off the taller boy. He raised a fist, ready to punch Kim, but was stopped with his name being called upon. "Ivan, what are you doing?" The teacher, Madam Bustier called out. "It's Kim! I'm so gonna-" Ivan said, raising his fist yet again, but the teacher interrupts again. "Ivan! Go to the principal's office!" She demands with a stern voice. Ivan crumbles the paper in frustration, growling in Kim's direction, before throwing on his bag and begins to walk out of the room, others laughing at him.

Ivan was ticked, ticked at Kim for writing that stupid paper, he wanted to get back at him, but couldn't. He felt defeated, at a loss, anger boiling inside him. He's so focused on his anger, he fails to see the purple butterfly flapping towards him. Flowing into the crumpled up paper, turning it dark. He heard a voice, it introduced itself as Hawk Moth, promising to grant him power to get revenge. Ivan smiled, "Okay, Hawk Moth." he responded. The paper began to bubble, and it soon took over his entire body.

Marinette is studying in the library with a girl she had declared her new friend, Alya. She was a spunky girl who was strong and kind, and a bit of a nerd. The Tv's on the wall changed to the news where it was showing live footage of a rock monster, tearing up the streets. Marinette gasped, shock filling her mind more than fear. "What's going on? He had Ivan's voice?" Marinette says worried. "It's as if he's been transformed into a real-life supervillain!" Alya exclaims, she begins to check her phone, before running towards the doors. "Hey , where are you going?" Marinette questions. "Where there's a supervillain there's always a superhero close behind! There's no way I'm missing this!" Alya says as she runs out the door. Marinette turns back to the Tv's with a worried gaze.

Adrien and Marinette's pov:

Adrien and Marinette were both watching the news, staring intensely at their Tv's. They look down to see a hexagon-like box sitting in front of them. "What's this doing here?" They both question, picking up the box. They open it up to a ball of light, it flies out of the box in front of them, the light fades to show a little flying creature with a big head. What??

Marinette's pov:

A tiny floating red creature was in front of my face, it opened its eyes and looked straight at me, smiling. "AAAHH" I yelp, falling back from my chair. I jump and try to shield myself from this.. Thing. "Help! It's a giant bug! Uhh ah mouse! A bug-mouse!" I shriek, what is this thing!! "Everything's okay, Don't be scared." The thing says in a high voice, flying closer to me. "Bug mouse talks!!" I throw anything I can get my hands on at it, but it keeps on dodging them. "Listen Marinette, I know everything may seem a bit strange to you-" The thing said, how does it know my name??!! I grab a cup off my desk and leap, trapping it in the cup. The thing looks at me before smiling again. "Okay. If that makes you feel safer." It speaks again. "What are you, and how do you know my name?" "I'm a Kwami, and my name is Tikki. Now, if you could just let me explain. Nope. "Mom! Dad!" I shout, opening my floor door. "No no no 'shhhhh" The thing, uh, Tikki panics. Phasing through the glass and flies up to my face. "I'm your friend Marinette, you have to trust me. You're the only one who can stop Stoneheart! You have been chosen with a very special power." Tikki pleads. This has got to be a mistake. The only power I could have is super-awkwardness. I know! Alya would know, she's my friend. Well I think she is, but she loves superheroes, she'd be totally up for the job. You should go to her-" Tikki flies up to my face. "Marinette, you were chosen for this. 'Sigh" Now listen, and just let me explain, and listen carefully." I nod, staring at Tikki. "You were chosen to be given a very special power. A power only ones who we are sure can handle. The power of the Miracibeast." "A Miraci-what.?" "A Miracibeast is a person who has been granted powers by a Kwami. You'd become a Ladybug Miracibeast, with the power of luck and creation, and the ability to take on the form of a ladybug in many different ways. You'll also get an item to help you control these powers, as you will be still learning how to use them. Speaking of which, do you have any earrings I can use?" I stare blankly at Tikki, this is so much to take in. I can gain powers, but shift into a ladybug? "Is there anything else I need to know about this power?" I ask warily. "There is. 'Sigh' You'd be influenced by your emotions at times, but it doesn't happen too often. Your physical skills will be enhanced. And you can choose how far you want a transformation to go. But. There is no going back on this. So think carefully." Tikki explains. I'm a bit worried now. I can't back down from this after I agree? What do I do?

Adrien's pov:

I hold my arm out to block the bright light. The light dims down to show a black cat-like thing floating, it looks like it's sleeping. It yawns, still tired. Wait a second, "No way, like the genie in the lamp!" I exclaim, poking its head, the cat-thing looks up at me. "I've met him once. So he grants wishes, big deal. I'm way more personable. Plagg, nice to meet you." The cat introduces itself. It- uh Plagg flies over to my foosball table, and bites a head on one of the men, spitting in disgust. "No! Don't touch that" I run, trying to catch the black cat. We start a game of cat and mouse, Plagg trying to eat things in my room while I try to grab him. After a bit I climb the rock tower in my room and up, grabbing Plagg and landing on my couch. "I still don't know what you're doing here." I say.  "Look, I'm a Kwami, I grant powers. All I'm here to do is turn you into a Miracibeast and grant you the power of destruction. And due to rules I have to explain what that is in length, so can you let me go?" Plagg says, I release him from my hold. 

He flies over to my bathroom and takes a toilet paper roll. "Now, a Miracibeast is a creature that is mostly human, but can change into a giant human-like cat, or a small one, whichever you prefer. They have the normal powers of a superhero, faster, stronger, all that stuff. You'd be the cat Miracibeast, meaning you have the power of destruction. You'll have one emotion that might trigger a transformation, and there is no going back on this, so think carefully. Oh, and also you're going to be a hero who protects Paris. Now, do you have any food?" Plaggs explains. "N-no i don't have any food in my room." I say, still trying to soak all the information in.

I can become a superhero, but the catch is I get the powers to change into a giant cat and sometimes not at my will, and there's no going back. "Even if I agree, what good is a superhero who can't even go to school, let alone protect Paris." I ask, still shocked. "No good. That's why it's going to change soon, if you're willing to change yourself." He responds, unravelling the toilet paper into my floor.

I look down at the cat, then around the room. I can become something that protects Paris, maybe even be myself behind the persona, but I'll never be the same. I stand there, thinking for a couple of minutes. Before coming up with my answer.

Adrien and Marinette's pov:

"Okay, I'll do it." Both answered. "So, how do we begin?"

Chapter two!! Introduction to the Miracibeast! I hope you all enjoy this one and I'll see you in the next chapter!

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