My response was faint, I couldn't speak. I almost wish I was clueless this was terrible all of it. The council is sure to lose, their warriors are pure vampires, nothing else. This whole vampire world will turn to complete hell if we surrender. I turned away without a sound and took a step, when my wrist was grabbed, I didn't turn to hear him, I just listened.

"Remember sundown." I ripped my arm from his grasp and stormed out. I need to call a meeting now.

Ben's P.O.V

"What?!" Ally's tone brought me back to reality.

When Scar called this group session, I didn't think it would end with us choosing between life and death. All of us were gathered in the living room, half pacing back and fourth, and the other half nervously biting their lips.

"Did you call your father?" Was the first time I heard Carter speak the whole time.

"He's on his way." I replied for Scar. "He's bring Karine. My other sisters refused to come."

"To be honest I don't care if they get killed or not, my favorites are safe." Scar said in a low tone. Me nodded with her.

"You two are the best sibling someone could ever ask for." Ash spoke.

"What about you? Are you with your family or with us?" Caleb asked Demetre.

"Um, I don't know. I need some air." For a tough guy he was taking this pretty hard. I mean he didn't even know about this family plan, and then he betrayed them, only to be punished in the end. Demetre quietly walked outside.

"So what happened to Lilly and Molly?" Caleb asked concerned.

"Look guys everything right now is undecided. We have until sundown to turn ourselves in or Lord knows what they're going to do to us?" Scar's voice rose, earning all our attention.

"So what's the plan then?" Jessy asked.

"I don't know, all I know is that I need my Dad's help on this one.." Scarlett ran her finger through her messy hair. This was gonna be a long night.

Demetre's P.O.V

This is ridiculous. I'm so angry. Why wasn't I notified about this drastic change? My father normally would have sent for me, seeing how I haven't been home much. What I did, helping Carter, could get me killed...By my own father. Now I know that Molly is helping them. They should have told me this they shouldn't have told me anything.

God, I'm so stupid. Me being kind never works out. I was playing with my fingers on the steps of the front porch, when I heard the screen door open.

"Demetre.." A soft sweet voice approached me. I know exactly who it belonged too. Ash sat down right beside me. "Hi."

After that whole Kyle incident we didn't talk. "Why are you talking to me?" I asked.

"Believe it or not, I care about you." She glared at me and I could see the passion in her sparkling eyes. "Why are you still helping us?"

"I have no idea. Helping was only to gain you, your interest anyway. I'm nothing but a killer." I said standing looking at my shoes. "I'm gonna go back to my father and see what he knows. If I don't come back to report, that means... He um.." I ruffled my finger through my hair. "That means my father killed me."

"What? He would do that?" Ash stood in front of me holding my hand.

"You have no idea what he is capable of. I will try and get all the info I can back to you." I sighed and let out a breath I didn't know I was holding in. "Kiss me."

"Sorry, what?" Confusion was written all over her face.

"Kiss me. I want to remember how close you brought me to good. Just one kiss." I asked leaning in slowly. I seen her close her eyes right before mine closed. Our lips connected in a tight safe kiss. We pulled away wanting more. "One more."

"You said one." Ash smiled.

"I lied. Beside you love it." I chuckled to myself kissing her again. Father, here I come.

Jessy's P.O.V
"My brothers are so exhausting. I'm the youngest, yet I'm the least annoying." Roy spoke to us all in the living room. We were all pretty hell bound with what to do. All that was running through my head was, to die... Or not to die.

"What do you think we should do?" Scar asked.

"We can all go and fight it out to the end, but we don't know how much of my brothers will be there." Roy spoke taking in a giant breathe. "Its practically suicide."

"Well its really a death or death situation..." The words slipped from my mouth, grabbing death stares. I zipped the imaginary zipper on my mouth, and threw away the key.

"We can just stay here, and set up here and stand our ground." Caleb spoke like the wolf he was.

A loud scream suddenly filled the room, coming right from Scarlett. Why the is she screaming? My girlfriend was hella strange.

"What? What is it?" I asked her. She just smiled widely. "Are you already possessed?"

"No you asshole. Shut up." She flicked my ear and faced everyone again. "We have a witch and I'm pretty sure we can find somewhere to hide. Let's get Sophie to do a locator spill. She can flag all the attempts of those ass holes trying to find us." Scar smiled at her brilliant plan.

"Where are we gonna go smart ass?" Ben asked, so rude.

"Umm, my family cottage is up north, we can hangout there?" Ally offered politely.

"Sounds great. Everyone gather what ever you need, and be back in an hour. We are losing daylight people get to work." My dad ordered right before he walked out of the room, leaving the house entirely.

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