Chapter 71

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this series of expression changes of the monarch all fell into Wen Qiuxing's eyes, allowing Wen Qiuxing to decide his guess correctly.

The situation was as he had thought in mind. His Majesty Sand Eagle and Will were merged, but a bug appeared on the way, which led to the fusion of His Majesty lost 14 years of memory, and directly returned to the memory of the other party before the split.

Wen Qiuxing was also drunk, and prayed a thousand times not to have a situation, but the situation was still out.

"Huh..." The young man laughed, leaned back on the chair and punched the black hair in front of his forehead. An old man didn't know what to do now.

Cold salad?

When he was pregnant, his spouse lost his memory, and if his memory could not be recovered, he really could not treat his majesty who had no affection for him as a lover before yesterday.

Because the situation is different.

He could accept the split personality, because the two personalities agreed on him.

As for this more arrogant and colder king than expected, even a blame.

Wen Qiuxing thought this way and glanced lightly at the other party's beauty, he suddenly found that he thought he was a dog, but he was not so persistent.

The silent king, as he digested the news he had just learned, met the gaze cast by the person opposite him, and keenly felt that there were many complicated feelings in it.

Among them, he believes that the admiring ingredients account for 99%

In other words, this person was with him because he liked him.

Suddenly learning this fact, the king raised his eyebrows, only to feel a little bit more towards the young man's favor: "According to what you said, are you completely clear of my previous situation?"

Brought out of his thoughts, Wen Qiuxing replied carefully: "Yes, you split successfully 14 years ago, and the two personalities woke up in different seasons. This situation lasted for more than ten years, until more than a year. Met me before..."

Wen Qiuxing said here.

The king looked at Wen Qiuxing and motioned him to speak down.

So Wen Qiuxing again said: "Me and my second personality met in a civilian area, because I couldn't pay the single tax, and he was overdue for some reason, so we got married on the first day we met and returned Go to bed."

Speaking of this past story, Wen Qiuxing's expression is nostalgic, with a swollen and warm smile on his mouth.

As a listener, the king finally knows where the other party’s heavy city breath came from. It turned out to be a civilian area, so it seems reasonable.

It took three minutes for Wen Qiuxing to tell the court about his love and hatred with His Majesty Sha Diao.

It's not a bad thing, so it sounds sweet!

Listening to the whole story, Feng Ting was indifferent on the surface, and his heart was full of surprises. It turned out that he thought Wen Qiuxing was a noble's grand master, and the advantages of the whole body were only visible for his fertility.

It now seems that the reason for their marriage was not marriage, but his most sniffy love.

"Do you mean to say that my two personalities fight for jealousy for you, compete with each other, and finally even let go of your prejudices for you to merge into one?" The king looked at Wen Qiuxing and said.

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