Devin Oliver (I See Stars)

Start from the beginning

"Hannah? Is that you?" I hear Devin ask with shock written all over his face.


I take a deep breath before meeting his eyes and nod my head yes slowly.

I look over at the rest of the guys who give me small smiles and a greet me with a few hey's.

I look back at my ex boyfriend before asking "So... How have you been these past two years?".

"Umm, I've been good I guess. Just been touring with the band and writing new music like usual... What about you?" Devin asks me while scratching the back of his neck, a nervous habit he does whenever he's feeling uncomfortable or awkward.

Oh you know... Just living life day by day, hoping that one day I'll finally be happy again, and stop being depressed over you.

"Good. Just going to school and living my boring life" I say instead.

"I'm sure your life can't be that boring, but uhh, how come you came tonight to the show? You haven't came to one of our shows since we broke up..." Devin questions me.

"That's because I made her. She knows how much I love your band and decided to come with me" Britney speaks up for me.

"Oh, well I'm glad you came. It was nice seeing you again after all these years" Devin gives me a small smile.

"Yeah, you too" I quietly reply and slightly smile back.

After Britney buys some merch, and takes a picture with the band, I beg her to take me home already. I just really want to get in bed and cry my eyes out until I fall asleep. Seeing Devin has seriously messed with my emotions.

Once Britney and I start to walk out of the House Of Blues, I hear Devin shout out my name.

I turn around to see him running up to me.

"Umm, yes?" I raise a eyebrow at him.

"Hannah, I know we haven't spoken to one another in a couple years, but that doesn't mean that I haven't been thinking about you. If you don't mind, I would really like to take you out so we can catch up on some things... Is that okay with you?" He asks me.

I give a quick glance at Britney who motions for me to say yes before I look back at Devin and say "I don't know..".

"Please? I just want to take you out for dinner. Please Hannah, I really want to talk to you and explain everything".

"Explain everything? There's nothing to explain besides on why you broke up with me for no reason...".

"I'll explain that to you Hannah, as long as you just come to dinner with me. I'll drive you back home when your done" Devin practically begs me.

I debate on whither I should go with him or not for a few seconds before finally nodding my head yes at Devin, since I really want to know why he dumped me.

"Hmm, aren't you glad you came now?" Britney tells me once Devin went back over to his band so he could tell them that he was taking me out for a while.

"I'll let you know after tonight" I reply before she gives me a hug and leaves me.

"Alright, are you ready?" Devin asks once he walks back to me.

I nod my head yes before we walk out of the building and over to a car, that I'm assuming is Devin's.

The entire ride to the restaurant none of us bother to say anything, it was a uncomfortable type of silence.

"Your taking me to Chipotle? Really Devin?" I look over at him and can't help but laugh.

"What? I thought maybe you wouldn't have wanted me to take you out to a fancy restaurant or something. If that's what you want than I can just take you somewhere else" he suggests to me.

"No, no it's fine. I promise" I assure him.

Once we're inside the restaurant I notice that there isn't very many people here because of how late it is. I'm guessing it's around eleven o'clock.

After we're seated Devin and I both order a coke to drink and what type of burritos we want to our waitress before she leaves the two of us alone.

"Can I ask you something Devin?" I speak up since he hasn't said anything to me in about five minutes.

"Of course, ask away".

"Do you still love me?" I ask him since I want to get straight to the point and know everything that I've been dying to know these past couples of years.

"I do Hannah... Do you still love me?" Devin looks at me while nervously moving his leg up and down.

"Yes... These last two years have been nothing but hell for me Devin. I haven't been happy ever since you left me for no good reason. I don't even know why you broke up with me... Why did you do it?".

"I broke up with you because we barely got to spend any time together since I was so busy touring eighty percent of each year. Also whenever I wasn't touring, I was most likely in the studio working on I See Stars upcoming albums. I never got to see you Hannah, and I know how down you were feeling because of it. Why would you want to be with somebody who barely has any time for you?" Devin looks at me with sad eyes.

"Because I'd rather be with somebody that I love who has a busy schedule than not be with them at all" I shrug my shoulders and look down at my hands that are placed on my lap.

"I just thought that maybe it would have been better for you if I left you so you could find someone else that could give you all their undivided attention. And that way they could treat you like you deserve to be" Devin explains to me.

"But that's just the thing Devin, I don't want anyone else besides you. To be honest, I'd rather be single for the rest of my life than to be be with somebody else" I admit to him.

"I feel the exact same way. Haven't you ever heard the phrase 'If you love someone, let them go, and if it was meant to be then they'll find their way back to you?' Well, I love you and I let you go two years ago, and look, here you are now. You came back to me" Devin tells me with a smile forming on his lips.

"Yeah, I guess I did" I say while I start to smile for the first time tonight.

Our waitress suddenly walks back over to us and hands us our food and drinks before we thank her.

As we eat, Devin and I continue to talk about the things we have been doing since we last seen each other. He also told me all the crazy stories him and the guys have experienced while they've been on tour.

"Hannah? Would you like to maybe come back to my place? If you don't want to then I totally understand" Devin asks me with hopeful eyes.

"I would love to actually" I smile at him.

After Devin politely pays for our food, he drives us back over to his house. This time our car ride wasn't spent in silence. Devin played some Palisades and Upon This Dawning, and of course we sung along to each song that came on.

As soon as I walk into the house that I used to visit so many times, I feel Devin grab my arm and turns me around so I'm facing him.

I give him a weird look before he crashes his lips onto mine, completely catching me off guard.

"Why did you kiss me?" I ask him after a take a step back.

"I'm sorry... It's just that I couldn't help myself. I've missed you so damn much Hannah, I couldn't resist not feeling my lips against yours again".

"It's fine... I was just surprised, that's all" I give him a small smile before I feel Devins hand slide under my shirt which causes me to let out a gasp.

Oh how I've missed his touch...

"I just want to feel your skin on mine tonight again, just like old times" Devin whispers while resting his forehead against mine.

Instead of saying anything back I just kiss him again before I feel him lift me up so he can carry me up to his bedroom.

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