Life In Haven

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"Like what you see." Rose flirted. "Ma-a-b-y-e" He replied with flushed cheeks. "Enough of that come on Will we dont have forever you're probably starving to death." She replied typing a code into a keypad on the left of the metal door. It opened with a hiss. Light flooded through the door as it opened nearly blinding Will. "Why the fuck is it so bright aw god no no no im going back in the dark screw this bye!" Whined Will while turning around to leave ,that was until Rose who was still in her armor exept the hood was down and she didn't have her helmet on her grabed him by the collar and dragged him towards the light ."You are coming with me mister and if you complain you get no food what so ever!" She remarked. This left Will torn between trying to run away again or giving in and most likely becoming blind. "grrrrrr" went Will's stomach "AW FINE BUT I WANT ICE CREAM!" He demanded pointing towards Rose who was standing there gawking at the statement Will just had made in public. "Grrrr fine you idiot we can get ice cream afterwards now follow me or you don't get ice cream!" She growled "Ok ok lead the way." He replied with starry eyes probably thinking about all the diffrent flavors he could have. He chased after Rose as to not lose her. "Its a long walk to the market district might as well take in your surroundings Will." Commented Rose and thats exactly what Will did. The building along the streets looked to be made of brick or hardened clay from the looks of them they were probably constructed seventy to seventy-five years ago so about seventeen to twelve years after he had "died" . The sidewalks looked pretty new and the light-posts across the street's looked new as well. He saw a few other people on the sidewalk's like a father and a daughter eating some type of cake at a cake parlor across the street. Another Reaper walking the same direction they were. What really suprised him was that the alleyways didn't seem shady at all. Acually It would be impossible for a drug deal to take place there because the damn thing was fucking as bright as the sun. "Thanks for saving me back there Will." Rose said out of no where "Uh no problem I just didn't wan't my first friend to be hurt is all." He stuttered with a blush "You really think m-m-e as a friend Will?" Rose shakingly asked looking up to his face. "Of course Rose why wouldn't I gosh if you hadn't had helped me when I was revived I would've certainly had died you've also only been kind to me this whole time so yes I consider you a friend Rose." He replied sure of himself and the words he spoke He suddely felt arms embrace his body and a head rest against his chest "W-w-w-h-h-a-t a-r-e-e y-o-o-u d-o-o-i-n-n-g R-o-s-s-e!?" Exclaimed Will while blushing up a storm "Thank you thank you thank you Will i've never had a friend before!" She replied with glee. "Come on Rose im starving to death lets hurry up and get some grub then ICE CREAM." Cheered Will jumping up and down like a child. "Ok we are almost there about five more minutes Will, can you hold in for that long?" She questioned smiling "I don't really know lets run there!" He exclaimed taking off towards the direction which they had been walking in. "Idiot wait up!" Rose called after him taking of to where he was. Once she caught up they were already in the market district of Haven. She saw Will standing infront of a burger joint (Yes most of the traditional meals survived the 'collapse' , thankfully ! What's a world without burgers and fries?!?!) looking up towards the menu like a kid looking through the window of a candy store. "I want that and that oh oh I wan't that too and that!" He exclaimed giggling to himself. "No Will, you only get at the most three burgers and one large fries and becasue im so generous you aslo get a large drink." Rose replied sternly "AWWWWW please Rose im really hungry!" He begged "No thats what you get for ditching me baka!" She huffed "Baka?" Will asked very confused "Im part Japanese part American so I sometimes switch to Japanese when I speak." She replied taking out a pink wallet and walking up to the order counter. "What would you like to order miss." Asked the old chashier. "Four cheese burgers two large fries and two large drinks please, oh and a girls toy for my friend here." She replied also gesturing towards Will "Hey I didn't ask for a girls toy you evil women!" He yelled in defience. "Yes you did Will." She turned around and winked slyly at him before turning back towards the old man to pay him. "That will be twenty-five credits miss." He replied laughing lightly. "OK no problem give me a second." She replied with a small smile and fished out four bills, two had a ten stamped at the ends of them ,one had a five and the other had had a one on it. "Here Sir." She said handing it over to the man. He typed in their order into the holo-computer infront of him and put the money on some type of platform and pressed a red button that powered something up and next thing he new the money was gone. He stood there gawking at where the money used to have been. "telaportation Will ,the science department has found out how to transport small objects across the plains of time." She told him upon seeing his shocked expression. "Here you two, your cups." The old man spoke up handing each of them their own large cup."YAH" Will yelled running towards the drink machince filling up his cup with a little of every drink they had in thier supply. ( AN/ I sometimes do this at mc.donalds its amazing) "Baka why are you doing that!" She growled at him. "Cuz it tasts like heaven thats why." He childishly replied. "Order 843 is ready order 843 is ready." A voice called out from behind the counter. "Thats our order Will I will be back find us a seat please." She asked him as she set off towards the counter to get their meal. He picked a seat next to the window to watch his first proper sunset .He fell into his own little world until he heard "Hey baby wanna come with me and have some fun." He heard an arrogant voice say confident that his less than flattering attempt to catch said girls interest. He didn't think much about it until he heard said girl which sounded exactly like Rose relply with "No thank you I'm here with a friend of mine and I need to get back to him now so please if you could kindly move out of my way so I coul-" Will then turned around to see the prick grab her wrist pulling her towards him. Right before she reached his chest a blade was pressed at his throat ready to slit it quickly if the need arises. At this time everyone in the joint was looking at the commotion going on. "Let.Her.Go.Right.Now.Bitch" A cold and deadly voice demanded. "Why should I? What can you do about it?" Jested the jackass who must not have known his life was in Will's hands, litterly. Will then disengaged then short blade on his brace and quickly twisted the pricks wrist that was holding Rose effectively making him let go. Will then quickly grabed Rose and pulled her towards his body. "You little shit im the mayor's son I get what I wan't no matter what!" He yelled outraged as he pulled out a laser rifle aiming at Will's heart. Will, in a couple of seconds figured out someone was recording it on their phone, ' Well its not like i could keep myself hidden for that long anyway.' He thought as he quickly engaged his armor but as the armor set in place he made sure to grab the prick and tackle him outside to minimize the damage done by their brawl. As he slowly stood up his large figure shadowed by the dust cloud made by him smashed into the ground he as the dust cloud cleared he stood there with both of his swords activated and ready to slice the little prick into fine shavings. Upon seeing Will the prick eyes widdened in fear and he turned around and took off towards the desync cambers. Will quickly disengaged his armor and walked towards Rose. "Lets go we can eat somewhere else." He told her "How about at my family's apartment?" She suggested "Sure" he replied "Lead the way Rose and dont thank me for what I did I couldn't stand that prick." He stated walking after her.

AN/I couldn't have made this chapter grammar error free on my own so I had my good friend and editor help me! go check him out his account is 2flags. Go show him some love please! THIS CHAPTER WAS 1500 words long YAAAAA

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