Crazy Alien Weapon

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"We should be safe for now,you should check around for better clothes." Rose spoke as she began to start a fire. "Ok I guess." Replied Will as he stood up and began to walk towards what looked like a clothing store. Rose had decided to set camp in an old mall. everywhere he looked he saw broken glass littering the ground, Surprisingly there was even a few functional holo-boards that displayed messages on the closest bunker. Considering the trail of bones and human skulls not many people made If any at that. As he walked into the clothing store he say a gleam in the corner of the room as he turned his head he caught sight of a gun, it looked jagged and alien like. as he approached it he picked it up to get a better look at it. There was a slot where he thought an arm was supposed to. "It looks dangerous, it probably is a Gremlin weapon."
Will 's curiosity out weighed his gut feeling to run the hell away from the gun. He put his arm in the slot and something he never thought would happen occurred before his eyes.
The gun started to form into armour and cover his whole body, first his arms than legs and torso , and finally it covered his face also.(AN Like the guy in fallout) "What have I gotten myself into!" cursed Will as he observed himself in a full body mirror at the corner of the store."ROSE!" He yelled walking out of the store. "Will! What happened? Are you ok!" She yelled. Will heard her footsteps race down the mall corridors to where he had yelled from. Rose ,upon seeing what she had first thought to be a Gremlin Commander quickly pulled out her gun and aimed it at the "Gremlin Commander" Will could see fear in her eyes as she stared him down. "No no no don't shoot Rose it's me, Will!" He exclaimed quickly because he didn't really want to get shot. "Will how the he'll did you get into that thing?!" She said incredulously. "I don't know how I got into it, give me a second I'm going to try to get out of this thing." Replied Will as he started to look for a console or something of the sorts. "Your wrist Will, Gremlin Commander's have what the scientists at Haven believe is used to disengage the exo-suit when they go into nano sleep for their journeys to earth." She replied taking a deep breath. "Ok here goes nothing." Will said as he checked his wrist as Rose had instructed him to do. He looked at the console only to see a language he didn't understand."What does this even fucking say! I can't understand alien!" Will said with a groan of defeat. Rose pulled something from a container from her belt and fumbled with the little dials on the sides of it. "Here Will, there should be a port in the side of it just stick the needle into it." Replied Rose pointing at the sharp needle at the end of the cylinder tube. "Ok just pass it over and I'll do it." He replied anxiously. He really wanted to get out of the damned suit. He plucked the object form her hand and slid it into the port. Soon the alien words were replaced with English words. He read "Eject" "Fucking finally " Will groaned in victory as the suit retracted into a single wrist brace. "How the hell did you do that!" Rose exclaimed incredulously. "I have no fucking clue." Will replied equally confused

AN/I couldn't have made this chapter grammar error free on my own so I had my good friend and editor help me! go check him out his account is 2flags. Go show him some love please!

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