Into Haven We Go.

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"Wake up Will we have to make it to Haven before the zone gates close." Rose said as she shook him lightly. "Huh ok I guess give me a sec though." He replied getting up and rolling up his bed roll, stuffing it in his newly acquired backpack that he commandeered from someone, lets just says they wouldn't be needing it any time soon."Rose, why do you never take that helmet off?" he questioned while stretching out his body. "My rule is to never take this off outside of Haven its way to dangerous outside here in the wasteland." She relpied "Come on Will we dont have much time." Rose ordered as she unlocked the dead bolt keeping the door closed. "Ok wait up!" Called Will hurrying up to where she was. "Will you might want to activate your armor before you leave, the air outside is toxic the reason why you werent affected by it is because your ghost keeps you safe for the first twenty-four hours after your revival." Stated Rose as she loaded her laser rifle with a magazine with a resounding "click" Will wasn't too sure about that. That suit really creeped him the fuck out but if it meant his survival ,well he couldn't really argue with that. He raised his hand and swiped it along the cool surface of the console finding the section that dealt with the armor he clicked it anticipating the oncoming transformation to come. "vvvrrrrrrr" "clunk clank" The sound of he armor pieces slowly wielded together locking into place. After the armor was done locknig into place a holo-gram message popped up infront of him with a list of weapons he had at his disposal. "You might want to pick a weapon to use just incase things get messy." Rose spoke up "It just says arm cannon, sheild arm and plasma blade." Replied Will "Wow looks like you have an outdated model from the first wave" She replied in amazement "Now that I think about it you shouldn't even be able to use that! Humans get instantly disintegrated when they try to operate Gremlin technology of any kind!" She gawked "Oh thats.. TOTALY FUCKING BADDASS!" Wooped Will as he jumped up in down which left giant hairline cracks in the pavement from the three ton suit of baddassness. "Shhhh we have to go we have three hours until the gates close and unless you want to be stuck out here another night than lets go jackass." scowled Rose as she checked her surroundings "Hmmmm the sheild and cannon sound good." Will then equipped said weapons and with a resounding "clunk" a giant shield began to form on his right forearm and a medium sized cannon began to form at the end of his left hand. He chose to disengage the cannon from his hand and place it on his back for the time being. Strangely the suit seemed to enhance his strength twenty-fold at least ,because he was able to lift weapons that looked to way over six-hundred pounds with fluid ease. "Ready when you are." He muttered getting used to the movement which he had decided to call Frost because of the suit which for the slight covering of frost which to the annoyance of him couldn't come off for no apparent reason. "See if you can keep up." Teased Rose as she took off in a sprint through a destroyed intersection littered with rusted cars dating back to the 2075's. Rose had expected to hear heavy footsteps behind her but instead heard a roar "Oh god please not more Gremlins" She cursed. instead she turned around to see a large object glimmering in the sun heading towards her at a high-speed. "Ello Rose thought I would lose to you did you ." Joked Will as he caught up to her maintaining a steady flight speed because as strong as Frost seemed to be he didn't want to risk flying into a billboard at breakneck speeds after just recently being brought back into the world of the living. After about and hour and five-teen minutes later the pair found themselves outside a wall that could only be described as "DAAAAAMMMNNNN" Will stood there with his mouth wide open. "Follow me Will we have to get to the radiation room to desyc our armor." Ordered Rose sternly, leading Will to a smaller openable door about the side of half a hanger. guards were seen all over the top and sides of the wall with heavy guns ready to fire at a moments notice. "GREMLIN COMMANDO OPEN FIRE!" Ordered what apeared to be the captain of the troops who looked grizzled and about forty-five years old which was a rather surprising age for a gaurd as there were fire-fights between Gremlin hordes that tried their luck to breach the walls daily which always ended in failure. Will also noticed the crop of white hair on the top of his head and the stunning part was it looked natural, there weren't many albinos left after the 'collapse' as he learned people called the epoch. "NO NO NO NO NO DONT SHOOT DONT SHOOT IM HUMAN!!!" Screeched/yelled Will waving his five hundred pound shield and hand in the air frantically as he didn't want to get shot by big ass scary guns. "His good daddy look I'm safe I just found him right after he was revived when I went out to grab some spinal cortex for Haven see." Rose said slowly as she walked from behind Will's giant form. "Baby if you say so ,but your friend cant come waltzing into The city with that." Her dad replied in a soft yet stern voice. "You heard him Will disengage the armor." She told him "But wont I get poisoned and die from the toxic air?" He questioned. "Why do you think everyone here doesn't have a helmet Will, the scientists have developed an air bubble that surrounds each desync chamber station so soldiers can breath without those pesky oxygen purifiers." She scoffed. " Oh ok give meh a second." He replied "ROARRRRR" "WILL WACTH OUT!" Screamed Rose jumping towards Will, pulling out her laser rifle from her back holster. Before anyone could blink the Gremlin flying towards Will was smashed with the end of Will's armored boot and in a fluid sequence, Will bashed it while it was unbalanced, pulling out his arm cannon and locking it onto the slots on his arm, charged it up and pulled the triger. "SPLAT CRUNCH!" The horrid sound of flesh, blood,bone and metal exploding caused everyone watching to cringe at the bloody left overs of what used to be a Gremlin littered the surrounding ground in a shower of blood and gore. Will then took off charging towards Rose who had retreated when He was fighting the Gremlin He disengaged the shield and cannon, replacing them both with two jagged black swords with a dark green glow at the edges of both. The soldiers raised there weapons but not fast enough, Rose closed her eyes waiting for the sharp blades to impale her. "SHINK CRUNCH SPAT" Rose slowly opened her eyes only to see both blades impaled in something right behind her. She slowly turned around to see purple blood dripping on the dead grass below, turning the light tan color of the old grass to a sickly shade of dark purple. Behind Rose stood a cloaked Gremlin imapled into the rusty trailer a couple paces behind her, she had noticed that the cloaked Gremlin had its arm raise as if it were about to strike her down. " Sorry if I scared you Rose." Will said tiredly. He put the swords on his back forming an x ,though both were still tainted with purple blood. He than pulled his arm up and disabled the armor. After it had fully retracted into the wrist console/glove he was crushed in a hug by a still fully armored Rose. "Thank you so much Will I owe you one." She sobbed into his sweaty shoulder "Its OK don't worry about it come on lets get inside the walls I'm beat." He replied while patting Rose on the back awkwardly. Sadly being dead for eighty-seven years didnt help him know what to do when a girl is hugging you and sobbing her heart out. He slowly got off the ground and looked up at her dad who gave him a thankful nod "Go on through young man im thankful that you saved my baby girl." He told Will as he passed by.Once the pair were in the desync chamber the giant door hissed close behind him . He turned around just as Rose took of her helmet and his mouth littlerly hit the floor in front of him was the most striking girl he ever had the pleasure to lay eyes on. "H-h-h-o-o-l-y mother of god." He mumbled under his breath stuttering terribly.

AN/I couldn't have made this chapter grammar error free on my own so I had my good friend and editor help me! go check him out his account is 2flags. Go show him some love please!
Oh gods took me four hours sorry for grammer errors please comment where they are so i can fix them please. Any way hope you guys like the story if you guys are so desprate to know what rose looks like google Inner Moka Rosario Vampire imagine her but with darker skin and less red eyes as for Will sorry for not putting what he looked like mabye this description will calm your upmost primal desires ;) He has very dark purple-bluish like hair with light blue an purple at the tips of it. He has a lean build like a WR or a swimmer he has dark purple eyes with swirls in the center (Since his birth no one can findout why) I have made it a new goal to have each chapter range from 1,000+ words each since my first two were short as fuuuuucccckkkk as for Will's future weapons for Frost i will leave it up to you guys do you want him to obtain weapons from other Gremlin Commanders that he kills or do you want him to just create new weopens from jumpship parts, guns/gun parts and scrap circuts/metal/spinal cortex from Gremlins (Will explain what those do in latter chapters. Its up to you the readers to dicide. Peace out-Kuna

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