Chapter 5

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Naruko's POV:

" Did quite a job on you, didn't he Zabuza? You look like yesterday's sashimi. I must say I am disappointed." What the? Who is this guy?

" Gato. I don't understand. What is all this?Why are you here? And who are these thugs you have brought with you?"

" Hm? Well, you see, there's been a slight change of plans. According to the new plan, you die right here on this bridge." He said while hitting his cane once on the ground. He had a crazy smile on his face as well. Is he the leader of this whole thing?

" What?"

" That's right. You're too expensive. So I've decided to take you of payroll. Of course, even these thugs I brought with me cost something. So, if you could manage to slaughter a few of them before they decide to take you down, I appreciate that. Think, can you manage that? Do you, the Ninja of the Mist? Look at you! You look about as demonic as a wet kitten." They all laughed on cue. T-there are so many of them. One rogue ninja was bad enough. Before they were just a couple of wandering thugs.

This is nothing for you kid.


" Well, well, kakashi. It seems our fight is at an end. Since I am no longer in Gato's employ, Tazuna's safe. We have no quarrel."

" Yeah. I suppose you're right." The Gato guy walked up to Haku's body and looked at him, smiling.

" That remind me, you little punk. You grabbed me and nearly broke my arm. I've been meaning to repay you for that." He said cheekily while kicking his face a little. Then he gave him a good kick as well.

" If only you where alive to feel it."

" Get away! Get away from him you scum! Hey, stop!" I ran forward but Kakashi grabbed me to stop me.

" Stop! Use your head!"

" Well, what about you Zabuza? You're going to let him do that?!"

" Be quiet you fool! Haku's dead. Why does it mater?"

" WHAT. You mean, you can just stand there and watch him get treated like a dog? You and Haku were together for years! Doesn't that mean anything!"

" You don't understand the way of shinobi. I merely used him as Gato had used me."

" Huh?"

" Now, it is over. His usefulness if at an end. The loss of his strength and skill, yes, that means something to me. But the boy, nothing."

" If you mean that then you're and even bigger brat than I thought."

" Okay, that is enough." I just shook of Kakashi's hand and kept my glare on Zabuza. " Calm down Naruko. He's not the enemy. Not right now."

" Argh! Shut up! As far as i'm concerned, he is enemy number one! Why're ungrateful after everything he has done for you! Haku lived for you!"

~" Is there someone precious to you?"~

" You were the most important thing in the world to him!

~"For me, there is only one person who matters. And my purpose is to protect and serve him. And that purpose is what gives me my strength."~

" And he meant nothing to you! Nothing at all?"

~" The way of shinobi is very difficult for me."~

" While he sacrificed everything for you, you never felt anything for him at all? And if I become stronger, does that mean i'll become ad cold hearted as you are?" My eyes stung but I ignored it. "He threw his life away. And for what? For you and your dream! You never let him have a dream of his own. But he didn't care. And you just toss him aside like he was nothing? A broken tool. Man, that is wrong. So wrong!"

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⏰ Last updated: Nov 11, 2021 ⏰

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