How long did they have to wait until they could just have "normal" lives?

Jin decided to stay with Y/N. Jimin moved to the side to open a space for the elder vampire. Y/N was placed in the middle of them, the hybrid was now sandwiched between her soulmates, and she wasn't complaining about it.

Jin cupped her face. His eyes were full of pure adoration towards her. A smile quickly took over his ethereal face as he noticed her wearing that cute sweater. 

"You know... I made that yarn from RJ's fur," he admitted.

Her eyes widened as she looked at the vampire. Jimin giggled behind her before snuggling his face in the crook of her neck.


Jimin giggled. "Every now and then, I give RJ a haircut."

"And from that fur, we made some yarn that I then dyed black so you would like it."

She closed her eyes as she could feel her cheeks flushing. Jin and Jimin had worked on team just to give her the best yarn she's ever had...

She didn't deserve them. 

All three of them snuggled closer to each other. Her room was still empty of any decorations as she hadn't bothered... the couple of boxes she had brought from her parent's house were still somewhere in the Kim nest unopened... how long had it been? At this point, the hybrid wasn't sure of the date. One day she was getting ready to go to college, the next one she was overflowing with happiness as her soulmates had finally claimed her, and the next thing she knew was that she was destined to be what... a queen? She just felt like a clown. 

To add to all that, something she didn't understand was bothering her. No matter how weak she felt, there was a voice in the back of her mind that was screaming at her. She needed to rest but now she couldn't.

The hybrid tensed in her spot as Sunmi appeared in her mind.
The shinigami was sitting down looking at the emptiness in a dark forest that was in the living realm. She was sitting on the grass with her legs pressed to her chest... she looked lost. 
The image zoomed out of the shinigami, and now the hybrid could see the full picture. All the shinigamis she had met at her wedding (roughly twenty) were sitting in the forest, all of them seemed lost for some reason. Didn't they have somewhere to go... something to do?

Did they have a purpose to pursue? 

The hybrid sat up out of nowhere. Jimin silently gasped as he noticed her sudden movement that shouldn't have been done.

"Baby... what's wrong?" 

The big flirt also sat up and took Y/N in his arms once again, but the hybrid's mind wasn't where it was supposed to be. 

Her hands started to shake a little bit, but it was from the sudden shock caused by the epiphany she had. 

There were not many shinigamis to start with, so all of them had an important role within the society. Even if she never saw them around as Buttercup, they all lived in Yugyeom's cold world even if they were not there most of the time. Now that their king was gone... so was their homes and purpose.

She could still see where the shinigamis were. They were sitting in silence, each one buried deep down in their own thoughts. No one could see them other than the hybrid. They were never visible for the human eye... and the shinigamis weren't in any danger.
Loneliness was something they all faced every day, but now more than ever. They didn't have a place where they belonged.

Shinigamis surely kept many secrets to themselves. Y/N wasn't sure how she ended up being part of their society as she was born human, but that she could figure later. The voice inside her head was screaming at her to physically go to that forest... her own little world that was destined to be the house of all those homeless shinigamis. 

The hybrid started to rub the top of her head on Jimin's neck, unconsciously scenting him. The big flirt tilted his head back to give her easy access but his eyes were wide as he had never seen this behavior in her. 

"I need to go..." the hybrid trailed with her mind still absent. "They are suffering alone..."

"Wait... what?" Jin's protective side was coming out.

The hybrid took a deep breath. "The shinigamis have nowhere to go. I have to give them a place."

She had gone to that forest using her mind, through that way her body had stayed laying over the bed. The hybrid needed to live with her body and mind... and might as well bring all her soulmates as they could help her. She was too young, but with Namjoon being the head of the nest and Jin having grown up in the royalty might be of great help. 

She just had to figure it out. 

"To the realm... I don't really know. I was there just mentally before he left... I'm not sure how I got there, but I think that's where I have to come back."

Jin looked at her stunned as he did understand what she was saying. But what she was implying was something greater... a whole world that belonged only to her which gave her close to infinite power. 

Shinigamis were way more powerful than they originally had assumed.

Everything was a mess, and Y/N couldn't explain it very well... she just had clear that she needed to bring her soulmates so they could see it for themselves. 

"Everyone is at the common room..." Jimin trailed off for a second before he jumped out of the bed decided to call everyone to the room.

Jin turned to look at the little one concerned. "Baby... are you sure you feel good enough to go now?" He didn't want to stop her from helping her people... but he needed to make sure she wasn't going to make too much effort. Her health was his biggest concern right now.

The hybrid leaned towards him to leave a chaste kiss over his plump lips. "I'll be fine."

Her plan to get there was simple... she was just going to teleport there as Taemin had taught her. 

Within seconds, all her soulmates stormed inside the room with all their eyes pinned on her. 

"What you mean we are going somewhere?"

"Where are we going?"

"Wait what is going on?" 

Many of the guys were speaking at the same time. It felt like they were talking to the wind rather than with her. Her brain wasn't working properly for her to register what all her soulmates were saying at this point. The voice inside her head that could be her own madness was overpowering all the people in front of her. 

"Just... just grab hands," she instructed with her little voice as her mind raced. 

All her soulmates grabbed hands as their minds were also racing. Within the little chaos going on, everything the hybrid had to do was clear for her.

She had to make a place in which the shinigamis could return and call home... the hybrid also had to search for answers. Pepper couldn't give them to her, but the shinigamis were for sure going to be able to pull out something. The image of that piece of burnt paper appeared in Y/N's mind for one last time before she closed her eyes to focus.

She visualized herself in that forest, but this time she didn't want her body to remain at the Kim nest... she wanted to go there with mind and body.

And that she did. 

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