Chapter 20

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"Belle, where are you taking me?" Techno asked as Belle dragged his arm.

It was around 11pm the night after Ranboo's birthday and Belle was leading him to their date.

Now he was confused because they could've gone during the day, but she waited purposely till night.

"Shush, this was my favorite thing to do as a kid. Let's hope I can still get in." Belle whispered back at the man while they walked to the back of a giant building.

"I feel like your about to murder me."

"They don't say Technoblade never dies for a reason!" Belle stopped walking at a purple door and looked around.

"What are you looking for?"

"One of the ladies that used to work here when I lived here. Or she still works here, always left me a key somewhere so I could get in."

Belle looked up on the doorframe and picked up the key.


Belle jumped down back on ground level and opened the door.

"I would leave her a sticky note every night with the name of the book I read and she would talk to me about it when I came in the daytime with my friends." Belle exclaimed happily as they walked into a giant library.

Probably the biggest one Techno has ever seen.

"Holy crap. This feels like a castle." He spoke while spinning and intaking all of the details.

"It always was my safe place. I always felt free here." Belle spoke with her eyes closed, she put her arms up as Techno wrapped his arms around her waist and laid his chin on her shoulder.

"There is probably a picture of us together somewhere, but I'm not entirely sure." Belle walked around the library and Techno went off on his own looking around at the place.

He felt like a kid in a candy store, and he was having the time of his life.

"Belle look what i found!" He cheered as he walked over to Belle who was sitting criss cross on the floor.

"Big Q, look what I found!" Belle spoke with a laugh as Techno sat down with her.

"Please never say that to me again."

"What is that?" Belle asked as she held out her hands to see.

"This Belle, is my favorite book."

"The Hidden Oracle?" Belle asked as he moved closer.

"Yeah, have you read it?"

"No, no I have not. I've never seen that before or i would've."

"Can I read it to you?" Belle asked before lifting her head and facing the man.

"Yeah, go for it."

"My name is Apollo. I used to be a god..." Belle started reading.

Techno watched the girl as she read the book.

He watched how every time she didn't know a word she scrunched her nose and looked at him for help or for him to explain it.

He paid close attention to the way she relaxed around him.

The way she felt safe and comfortable.

And after the realization he made the night before he couldn't help but stare at her with adoration.

And hope.

Hope that he wouldn't be alone.

Hope that he finally found his happy ending.

Don't Stop Believin'Nơi câu chuyện tồn tại. Hãy khám phá bây giờ