Chapter 2

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Belle got off the plane in Florida and immediately regretted wearing sweatpants and a sweatshirt.

As she walked to baggage claim she took off her hoodie before grabbing her two pastel yellow suitcases.

Once she got situated she walked outside to see if her mom was there.

"Belle!" She heard from the left of her and her head turned to see her mom standing there.

It had been one and a half years since they last saw each other in person.

"Mom!" She shouted as she ran to her mother.

They pair smiled as Belle felt a piece of herself returning.

"How are you B?" She asked her daughter as she put her suitcases in the trunk.

"I'm good, definitely energetic." Belle responded as she got into the car.

"Want to stop anywhere?" Tori asked as they pulled away from the airport and started on the highway.

"No i'm good, thank you though mom." Belle said as she turned up the radio and put her airpods in the case before sticking them in her backpack.

The drive back to her childhood home was fun and sad at the same time.

Belle missed living in Florida, but she loved the city.

She started as a small town girl and now was a city girl.

"It's only 7 so your father will be up but I doubt Ranboo will. He had a late stream last night."
Belle nodded understanding as they pulled into the driveway.

"God I missed this." She said stepping out of the car and on the property of soft memories filled with happiness.

Tori grabbed her daughter's suitcases as she looked around in awe at her childhood home.

Though nothing had changed about it, she still felt like she was missing a certain detail.

"Belle?" Her father exclaimed with a shocked expression on his face as he walked outside to see the commotion.

"Dad!" She screamed softly as she ran into his arms.

"Belle!" He screamed again as his daughter ran into his embrace.

"When did you fly in?" He asked as he looked at his daughter with a smile on his face.

"2am!" She exclaimed as she opened the door.

Belle smiled as she walked through her childhood home.

"Is Ranboo still asleep? Mom said he probably was." Belle asked as her dad nodded.

"Yeah! He's normally up by 10 or 11 though." Belle nodded as she walked up the stairs and into her room quietly.

She put her backpack on the bed and went downstairs to get her suitcases.

Once she got her things upstairs she got changed into shorts and an oversized t-shirt.

"Do you want anything to eat?" Belle asked as she grabbed a pan.

"No, but thank you Belle." Tori said as she walked past the girl and sat at a stool.

"I'm really glad your home." Alan stated as he sat next to Tori.

"I'm glad to be home, I missed it here." Belle responded with a smile and she flipped bacon.

"How was shopping yesterday you never texted me?" Tori asked as Belle laughed.

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