Chapter 7

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The group's fun late night car ride ended at around 1 am after Belle and Skylar started to lose their voices from screaming so much.

Skylar ended up sleeping over because she didn't feel like driving plus Ranboo didn't want her to leave.

Belle was packed and ready to go when she got home and was upset because she was so happy in Florida.

This is why she never visited, because she knew she would want to move back.

Belle wanted to be independent but always felt the need to live with her parents again.

She went to sleep that night feeling upset because she really didn't want to leave.

As she was falling asleep she could hear laughter from her brother's room because he was letting Skylar play on the Smp.

Belle smiled as she realized her younger brother wasn't so young anymore.

Belle felt like she missed her brother falling in love because she was on the other side of the world.

*With Techno and Phil*

"Techno?" Phil called out to the younger adult as he joined the VC he was in.

"Oh hey Phil." Techno responded, caught off guard by the sudden voice.

"What are you still doing awake?" Phil asked as techno shrugged.

"Editing." Techno responded again as Phil sighed.

"Go to bed Techno."

"Can't, I'm distracting myself." Techno said as he rolled back in his chair and ran his hands through his hair.

"What's going on?"

"Nothing, just thinking."

Phil shifted in his chair as he let out a deep breath.

"What are you thinking about? If you're comfortable with that question."

"Well for starters, you, Wilbur and Tommy are coming to visit and I have absolutely no idea what we are going to do. Secondly, Wilbur actually found her."

''Don't worry about us mate, Tommy has things planned out don't worry. Yeah Wibur did find her, why do you sound so.. I don't know how to describe it. But when you talk about her you sound happily tired?" Phil tried his best to explain as techno

"Because i'm happy he found her. But..."


"I thought knowing her and actually talking to her would make her not be in my mind more then she was but, there she is! Every time I fall asleep the memory of the first time we met just plays over and over again in my head. So I'll just edit."

"But you need to sleep Techno." Phil responded as he held back a smile on his face.

"I know, and I'll sleep, I promise!"

"I'm proud of you Techno, I hope you know that." Phil said finally letting out the smile he was trying to hold back.

"Thanks? I don't know why you would be proud though,"

"You actually met someone in real life and not online. Plus you're opening up more to people and I'm really proud of you for that."

Techno smiled as he saved what he was editing and closed the tab.

"Thank you Phil, I'm going to head to bed."

"Yeah mate, try and get some sleep! Goodnight Techno."

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