Chapter 1

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Belle was a mysterious person to some, and to others she was a ball of happiness and fun.

When she moved away from home at the age of 19 and to the big city of San Francisco.

She developed a sort of social anxiety from being alone all the time.

Though she did have her cat Tarot, who stood by her side 24/7 when she was home, it still got lonely.

Belle now has a fear of going outside without someone she knows with her.

When she's with someone she knows she's fine, normally!

But without someone she's a nervous wreck.

Though her strange anxiety did not bother her, the more and more she got older the more she wanted and forced herself to go outside to the real world.

By Herself.

One time when Belle was out by herself she met Casey.

She met Casey whilst in the liquor store, and they soon found out they worked at the same place.

Belle was the sister of twitch streamer RanbooLive as well, though she never told anyone that, except Casey.

She was extremely proud of her little brother and all he's accomplished.

She streamed with him once in a while.

Though her name was out to the public and she wasn't faceless like her brother, and everyone knew they were siblings but they never talked about it for some reason.

She never really streamed that much, alone.

Belle never really streamed much to begin with, she posts pictures once in a while and stories on instagram.

And here she was in her apartment which was on the 17th floor of an apartment building.

Laying on the floor as Tarot laid on her stomach, as Ranboo's stream filled the room.

Her led lights that were wrapped around everywhere in her apartment were a light pink.

She had them in her kitchen which connected to the living room.

She had them in her bathroom and had a shower head that lit up and played music because it was bluetooth.

And in her room she had lights that connected to the living room lights.

"Tarot, You will be my forever friend." She said as she pet the cat.

The cat meowed as he stood up and jumped on the couch.

"Hmph!" She huffed as her phone rang.

"Ma!" Belle exclaimed as she turned her mother on speaker and turned her brother's stream down.

"Belle Daniels! When are you coming home to meet your brother's girlfriend! It's been a year they've been together and you've still never said a word to her." Tori said into the phone as Belle huffed.

"I'm sorry Ma i've been busy. I have my flight booked for literally today and I should be there by 6 AM. It was supposed to be a surprise but!" Belle spoke with a soft tone in her voice.

"Oh, who knows? Also what time are you leaving?"

"Nobody Ma! Just you as of now. And i'll be leaving at 2 AM"

"Oh well then i'll pick you up at the airport. I won't tell anyone I promise."

"Alright. I have to go food shopping because Casey is watching Tarot." Belle said as she took her phone off of speaker and held it against her ear.

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