Chapter 4

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Chapter 4

The sunlight tumbled in though the window, stirring Emmy. The warm mass behind her started to move and moan as she tried to scurry out of bed to find aspirin for her blinding headache. She slowly opened her eyes, wanting to slowly expose her eyes to the burning light in an attempt to not enrage the demon battering around in her head, and caused the headache to become worse. When she had finally managed to open them she found a glass of water, two aspirin, and a note saying, 'eat me, drink me, love Zach,' sitting on her bedside counter. It had become a ritual ever since they had gone to a Disney Halloween party as dead Alice and zombie mad hatter and Emmy had drank properly for the first time.

"Morning," came a muffled grunt from next to her as she sat up. Lying next to her was Zach, face down in the pillows. She had a vague recollection of Zach bringing her home last night, and her begging him to stay, an opportunity he eventually took. Emmy swallowed the painkillers before chugging the rest of the water in the glass, "You need blackout blinds," Zach said turning his head to look at her, hissing as Emmy leaned back against the wall, and the light that easily penetrated the thin curtains hit his eyes. "What time is it?" he said face once again in the pillows.

"It's 10 o'clock, why?" Emmy said nonchalantly.

"Don't you remember, you said we would have brunch with Paul and Rory at 12," Emmy groaned at the thought of having to get up, "they are next-door in my apartment, so it's not like you can even avoid them," Zach was enjoying this way too much for her liking, and she playfully backhanded his back. He just turned his head and smiled at her, before jumping up to go make coffee.

"Get in the shower missy; just think of this as your punishment for getting too drunk to walk last night," Zach partially sang from her kitchen.

* * *

Paul's laughter rang around the table again, Emmy and Rory were sure that he was faking most of it, getting a kick out of their pain.

"I don't want to date a sadist so if you want to still have a boyfriend by the end of this brunch, lower the decibel," Rory growled at Paul, Paul just pouted.

"I thought doctors could hold their liquor?" Paul said.

"I was drinking from 4," Rory retorted sourly.

"Then chucking up from 12," Paul pointed out with a sweet smile; he kissed him on the cheek, standing to head to the men's room. Just before he left, he whispered in his ear, "and who said I had decided to let you be my boyfriend," Paul sashayed off, and a smile formed on Rory's lips as he watched Paul walk away.

"You were sick?" Emmy said surprised, bring Rory's attention back to the present.

"Apparently, though I don't remember much. I found out this morning that I jumped at the chance to go to bunch with you too this morning when you suggested it."

"I didn't remember offering, he told me when I woke up this morning." Emmy said, stroking Zach's arm before putting it back on his leg. Zach looked completely different, in his knee length shorts and simple white muscle t shirt, compared to the suits he usually wears. He was enjoying the warm July rays of sun and the feel on Emmy's little hand on his thigh. He had completely zoned out as they sat outside the little café they had gone to brunch at, barely aware of Emmy's and Rory's conversation.

"So what is your impression of 'Dr Love'?" Rory asked.

"I want to stab a scalpel though Dr Dickhead's skull, arrogant little twat," Emmy scowled, two deep ridges frowned between her brows. Zach took his thumb to them and brushed them out.

"What did he do?" Zach inquired, Emmy hadn't told him about Dr Dickhead, and it was nice that Zach automatically sided with her. Emmy smile warmly at him, about to explain the name when Rory jumped in.

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