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Light flooded in through the bedroom blinds. The light caused Emmy's eyes to flutter open; she twisted in Zach arms, stretching beside him. Zach groaned his protest, tightening his arms around her to stop her movement, but it was too late Emmy had spun onto her back and now the light had a direct path to his eyes.

"Morning darling," Zach murmured to her groggily, kissing her forehead.

"Morning," Emmy kissed him back, it quickly became heated, Zach's hands running down Emmy's side from her face until it rested on her hip.

"Out!" Paul said bursting into their room, "You are getting married in...holy shit, four and a half hours, and we have a lot to do to Emma, which is why I'm not going to tell you off for staying here last night Zach. Zach why are you still here?" Paul questioned when he made no effect to move. Zach grunt his annoyance at being kicked out of his own bed by Paul, in his mind Emmy looked prefect the way she was. How could it take over 4 hours to get her ready? He kissed Emmy one last time and grabbed a pair of jeans and a white t-shirt off the back of the chair, where he had left them last night, and his toiletries from the bathroom. Zach headed into the living room, and regretted it instantly; everywhere he looked there was dresses, make up, hair stuff and shoes. He had expected all of that stuff, if Paul was here than all the wedding stuff would be. It was a high pitched squeak of a giggle from the kitchen to his right as he left the bedroom that caused him to want to turn on his heels and hide out in there until the ceremony. Madison was here and he just couldn't be bothered with her. Madison was Emmy's sister, and the most vapid little creature Zach had ever met, he had never been able to fathom how she and Emmy had come from the same family.

"There you are Zach, hurry up," Rory's voice came as a life line, as he sensed Madison growing closer to him and any second now we was going to be trapped. Zach walked toward Rory, and past him, straight out the flat, still carrying his clothes. Zach didn't stop until he reached the elevator, Rory following after him with the most baffled look on his face.

"Paul would have let you get dressed you know?" Rory said once the doors closed. Zach got dressed now he considered himself safe behind the doors.

"It wasn't Paul, it was Madison. I can't stand that woman," Zach all but spat as he pulled on his t-shirt.

"Emmy's sister? I've never met her but she can't be that bad, she is the younger one isn't she? Emmy turned out great, surely..." Zach just held his hand up to silence him.

"Rory, don't, you've never met her so you can't yet appreciate how much like chalk and cheese Emmy and Madison are. If the survival of the human race depended upon her and me, I would let it die out, before having our race continued with her as a primary gene donor." Rory just laughed at him, "Just wait till you met her, or until Paul texts begging for a rescue which will no doubt happen any time soon."

Zach wasn't wrong, about half an hour later; Paul was sending desperate texts to Rory begging to swap bridal parties.

* * *

Paul had Emmy in the shower shortly after Zach left, and Emmy was glad in was a one man job, though she thought Kim and Paul were about ready to jump in with her by the time she got out. Emmy loved her sister, or at least she tried, but most other people tried to avoid her if it was at all possible, especially the sort of people Emmy was friends with.

"So Madison what do you do for a living," Kim asked trying to make polite conservation. When Kim was out of uniform she was the sweetest person alive, and really tried with people. The ball busting nature at work was just because she was all business; it was the only way she knew how to be taken seriously by some of her more arrogant colleagues. She was small like Emmy, and without the medical degree Emmy had she was ignored by some of the young doctors who thought knew nothing compared to her, and she needed the attitude to make them realise that.

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