Chapter Eleven: Molehunts and Puppetmasters

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Megatron's optics mimicked his fury, flashing bright and fiery as he stormed into Optimus' housing unit. The Prime jolted and dropped his paintbrush, whirling around to face him as he came barreling into the room. "Megatron! You're-"

"About to hang Knock Out from Iacon Tower!" The warlord barked. "The cortical psychic patch was found on the north outskirts of the city, torn to shreds. It is beyond repair. Knock Out must have destroyed it after I threatened to use it on him. It has to be him! Who else would have done it?"

"Slow down." Optimus closed the paint can he had been using and wiped off his servos. "How can you be certain it was Knock Out?"

"The diva is a coward, he knew I was going to find him out. I told you, he's easily bribed. They must have-"

"Megatron. Did you not previously deduce that it wasn't him?" Optimus found it hard to believe. Knock Out had been an overwhelmingly positive presence since the war ended, he and Ratchet had become friends. "Who else knew you were threatening the patch?"

"All of those I interrogated." Megatron was pacing before him. "It can only be him."

"Where is he now?"

"In a cell. He's not talking." Optimus balked at that.

"You put Knock Out in a cell? Over a suspicion?" He watched the warlord pace like a caged tiger. "Megatron, you're wrong about this." He insisted. "What are you planning on doing to him?"

"Getting the information out of him." Megatron snapped, as if it were obvious. "He'll crack easily, I know exactly how to get into his circuits."

Optimus shook his helm, reaching out to halt the gladiator. "Be sensible. It could have been anyone. Perhaps someone was listening in on your interrogations?" He frowned at the furious look he received. "In any case, we need to pull it together. We have three more weeks until I am to deliver Predaking's head to Rumble, and that is something I absolutely cannot do. I need you to keep all possibilities open, including the one where Knock Out isn't the mole."

"Some mechs, family and friends of one of the mechs I helped save after the building collapsed. They are all very sweet, they've been volunteering in the medbay ever since. It's real helpful since Ratchet isn't around right now."

The red medic's words came to Optimus' mind at that moment. He recalled the fact that a small group had been helping out in the medbay as of late. Dread gathered in the pit of his stomach as he wondered if someone had won Knock Out's favor through gifts in order to get in closer.

"I doubt Knock Out is the culprit, but we need to monitor who is spending time in the medbay. Chances are, it's someone who has been there often as of late."

Megatron growled, shaking his helm in frustrated thought. "Fine, Prime." He took a breath, shoulders slackening. "Whoever the mole is, we frightened them. We are close."He turned towards the door. "I will update you."

"Megatron. . . How did you get into my house?"

A week of interrogating Knock Out in harsh conditions paid no promising results. Optimus had to beg Megatron to release him. The poor medic had sworn up and down to have nothing to do with the mole, offended that such a betrayal would be thought of him. Optimus purchased limited edition wax from a mech in one of the tents, and gave it to Knock Out as some sort of compensation. The red mech privately asked for his trust, going forward. Optimus told him that he would always have it.

Bulkhead and Kickback were already preparing for reconstruction. They had been on top of it, gathering resources and hastening the cleanup process. The pair had grown into quite the team.

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