chapter 10

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I woke up to the sound of birds. So calm. I haven't heard birds in a long time. I... Wait... Birds? I opened my eyes and looked around. I was on a field. I had no glue how I got here nor where I was. I looked around and there was nothing. Nothing... No building no trees not water... Just grass. At some point there were try grass and some where with fresh green grass.

I walked a bit only to find nothing. I was still in my SCP jumpsuit. Did the foundation braught me here? I walked for a bit. I could fell the soft grass underneath my bare feet. So nice and warm. I took several breath.

After a while of walking I saw a tiny river. I walked over to it and set on the edge. I held my feet into the cold water. I felt so free and save. I laid back onto the grass and looked up at the sky. Is this a dream? It must be! I mean im still at the facility. But it fells so real. I opend my eyes and nearly jumped put of my skin. Two pink glowing eyes looked down at me. The rest of the creature was covered by a cloacke.

I jumped up and landed in the small river. I started to scream at the sight of the creature. I have seen many things in the facility but this? Why is it making me feel so much more scared?! I climbed out of the water standing on the other side of the river. The creature just looked at me.

"Oh my, why are you scared of me (Y/N) we have been fighting on the same side, haven't we?" The thing asked in a low voice. He knows my name? How? "I see, you can not remember, can you? You dont hear your friends begging for you to come back do you?" I tillted my head "my friends?" I asked. "Phillip, daniel, Simon, Bright... everyone. They miss you." I thought for a minute. "No there is nothing."

He turned his back towards me. "I see so you can't hear OUR bleeding for you to come home. First you have to get your memories back. Its a too strong curse for me, but please remember that we need you." He turned around revealing his face.

Or should I say his skull. There was a skeleton. A skeleton. A moving skeleton without muscles how is that working? I got ripped out of my thoughts by him opening the cloak. "We, the reapers, are your guards, but without your power you slowly but surely will lose control over us." He looked down on his rips. In his ripcase you could see a pink coloured heart with dark vines on it.

"If you lose control over us... we may have to obey another God. We don't want to fight for him (Y/N)! We don't want to lose our queen." He turned around it looked like he is scared but its hard to tell without a face. "There is no time, you need to go back." He walked up to me and hugged me. It felt so familiar, so warm and I hugged him back. "At least ypu are alive." He placed a kiss on my forhead and i closed my eyes.

As I reopened them I was back at the facility standing right behind Phillip, who just staid in my cell with my Teddy in his hand. I was about to lay my hand on his shoulder when all of a sudden the speakers went off. "OMG (Y/N)? OMG YOU ARE BACK!" Bright voice boomed thru the speakers. Phillip turned around and I think I scared the shit out of him. He hugged me tightly like I would have been gone for years.

So this wasn't a dream after all. I petted his back and the door swung open. Joshua and Bright came in a joined us. I giggled. "Damn you act like I was gone for years." I laught. They stepped back looking at me. "You were gone for three days." Bright said slowly. "I... what? No I was just gone for a few hours, wasn't I?" The guards shook there heads no.

"I was gone?! For three days?!" I yelled frustrated. "But how? Why was it such a short time for me?!" I asked gripping the side of my head. I couldn't understand anything anymore. "To be honest. We thought you ran away after everything that happened." I looked up at them. "Yeah of course I would protect you just to run away and leave you with all this stupid monsters!" I yelled at them.

"GET. THE. HELL. OUT. OF. MY. FUCKING. CELL!" I screamed at the top of my lungs they moved a bit back since my eyes already started to glow red. I noticed the fear in there eyes and calmed down a bit. I shot my Teddy against Bright who just smoothly chought it. I growled at them and they left.

I moved to my bed and let me fall face first onto it. "Why don't the trust me..." I slowly driffted asleep. I changed my position so I would die because I can't breathe. After about an hour or two I heard someone talking. I slowly sad up and looked around.

My eyes landed on another doctor. He was all a lone. At least what I can see. There were no guard or other doctors. He bushed a button and I could hear him talking in an soft voice. "Hello      (Y/N). Its nice to finally meet you even thought the reason I am here is not to nice." He let go of the button and looked to the floor.

What is he doing. "I am Dr. Glass. The other Doctors and guards said that you are in a bad mood. They don't want you mental health to go down since we don't know if we could bring you under control if you lose your control." I rolled my eyes and laid back onto my bed. Letting my legs hang over the edge.

"I see. I am sorry to be so hard but you have to understand our fear too" "Yeah yeah I know I could kill someone." I turned around now facing the wall and culled up into a ball. I heard the doctor sigh behind the glass. "I wanted to show you something." I slightly turned my head and looked his way.

The door opened revealing nothing but wierd sounds. Till I moticed something on th floor. I turned my whole body so i could look down better. The was some orange grlibber an the floor with two eyes staring at me. It slowly moved to me. "What the hell is that?" I asked now sitting in my bed.

"Thats scp 999. Its a safe scp. You can play with it for a while." He waved his hand while he walked out of the door. Oh great I can play with a moving snot. Why the hell is it looking at me like that. I slowly stood up and the scp began to bounce up and down like a dog. I moved closer when it suddenly moved to me and hugged me with two arm like thing. I started to giggle.

"Okay you kind of cute." I moved my hands to what seems like its cheeks and started to squeeze it. "Who is a cutie? Yes, you are a cutie." I said in a baby voice. It started to make cute noices and I smiled at it. Suddenly it started to move over my body. "Huch? What are you doi..." it started to tickel me and I fell to the ground. "Oh no. Stop... hahaha. I can't." Tears started to fill my eyes. "999 please stop!" I yelled.

It slowly moved away from me. I was currently laying on the floor. I looked to the side and it sitting next to me. I sat up and took it into my lab. I started to wipe and humming a tune till it fell asleep.

I slided to my bed with 999 still on my lap. I slowly picked it up and laid into the bed with it. I found my self smiling again cuddling with the orange pudding. I slowly started to get tiered after all I was exhausted.

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)حيث تعيش القصص. اكتشف الآن