chapter 5

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{See you again}

Phillip, Joshua and Bright leaded me in some derection. At some point bright started to support me while walking. I was a little to exhausted from all the beating and stress from before. We passed some halls I had seen before. "Can we stop for a second?" My voice was low. My head spun and I felt like I was about to pass out again. We moved to the side and I leaned against the wall. Phillip walked up to me and gave me a bottle. "Here drink something." I slowly looked down to the bottle.

Why am i obeying blindly? But it wasn't a dare. He cares, so he offered me something to drink. I looked up at him and took the bottle. Taking care not to rip open the wound on my lips again I drank something and hand him the bottle. I smiled and took a deep breath. "Okay. I'm fine we can keep walking." I pushed myself off the wall and moved forward till I finally knew where we were going.

The door to the observing room opened and I walked in. There were some scientists and two guards. One of them was the asshole and I backed up behind dr. Bright. "No need to worry if he comes any closer he will wish he didn't." Bright narrowed his eyes on the guard and I walked pass them. The door to 049 opened and I peeked my head inside. I slowly walked in and looked around. It was hard to make out where he was.

"Hello~" I said into the dark. Nothing. I walked around felling my legs getting weak again. Just like the first time I walked to the window. "Why is he not answering? And why is it so hard to tell where he is?" I whined a little. "We don't know whats going on in his he..." the scientist stopped talking and gazed behind me.

"049 remain calm! She is not infected you once said it on your own!" I heared footsteps behind me and turned around. Two hands grabbed my upper hands and pressed me against the glass. I glurbed and looked into his eyes which were all of a sudden red glowing. "I indeed said she was not infected. But I can smell the desies on her."  He looked down at me and all of es sudden his eyes glowed yellow.

"Oh dear, what happened to your face?" I reached my hand to my face but he grabbed my wrist. "Do not touch it. It may get infected." I looked over my shoulder and to the scientists than that guard catched my eyes. He moved his thumb over his throat and mouthed a "You are dead" I narrowee my eyes on him. "I see, this sick person touched you didn't they? They hurt you like that." The doctor said and I looked to him. His eyes were glued on my jumpsuit where some of the guard blood was.

"We may need some new chlothes for her, or she will infected herself with his blood." He said in a low calm voice and looked to the scientists. "And I may request for him to leave, he is no good for her nerves." He narrowed his eyes at him. "Well we will not need your assistant anymore, William." We could hear Bright though the window and the guard stormed out.

With my wrist still in 049 hand he braught me to his bed. I guess thats his bed. I looked around and saw a table, I guessed that's were he is working on his cure. "I would prefer not to fix you there." Came from the anomaly and I looked up at him and nodded. He bowed down to me and got a hold on the zipper of my jumpsuit. Instinctive I grab his hand. "What are you doing?" I hissed at him. The door opened and one of the guard walked in waiting for someone to take the jumpsuit. It was obvious that he was scared. I saw that its eyes start glowing red. "Ah, he is very sick."

He was about to storm towards him but I held his upper arm and turned him to me. "Pleas don't hurt him. He is a friend of my and I need your help more than he does right now." The pick of his mask angled down. He's eyes now only glowing yellow. "Of course my dear. My apologies." He turned to him walking his way. "You can put it on the floor." He told the guard. He did as he were told and left the room. I looked over to the glass to see them writing stuff down as always.

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)Donde viven las historias. Descúbrelo ahora