chapter 8

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{The fear in her eyes}


In this chapter there will be violence and mention of blood!

"Daniel!" I repeated and run towards him. Kneeling down to his level. "Daniel?! Please answer me!" I got a hold on his shoulders and shook him. Tear started to form in my eyes. I saw his chest rise and fall. That means he is still breathing. As I was about to turn around I heard screams behind me.

I spun around only to see that the other guards got smacked into another wall. "Stop! Please! Im begging you. Leave them alone!" I sobbed into the darkness. It was hard to tell what was hidden in the shadows. Tears falling down my cheek. I tried to crawl to Phillip when I heard a laud bang go off.

Suddenly I felt a sharp pain shooting thru my right shoulder. I stopped moving and sat on the floor. My gaze drifting towards my shoulder. I got shot?! Where? "Scp-5077 found. Five unconscious men found." Someone said in the dark. I remained silent and didn't move. Out of shock and fear that something happens if I did move.

"Scp-5077 remains calm. It attacked five of our mens!" He spoke up again. I heard heavy footsteps coming closer to me. I looked up only to be greated by a gun infront of my face. "Wait no! It wasn't me! There is something else with us!" I tried to explain but I got hit in the face. I stumbled back falling to the ground. I covered my face with my balms. Why is no one listening to me? I thought to myself.

Oh but love~ I AM listening to you. Didn't I told you that you will need my help once? No! No, no, no! Why him? Why now? I slowly moved up looking into the other derection. "Get up! Or I have to shoot you right at the spot!" Two more guards joined. I looked at them.

"Wait isn't that the one who just ate with us? They wouldn't let her be there if she would have hurt us right?" One said behind the guy who just hit me. "Oh and you think that the guards just taking a nap?!" My whole body was shaking as he loaded his gun. I was about to stand up when all of a sudden...

I won't let them hurt you. I turned another time to the darkness. Then I saw one black tentacle coming way to fast out of the shadows for the guards to react. The one who just pointed the gun to my head  got attacked. The tentacle shoot right thru his abdomen. My face bacame pale and I started to scream as blood shot out of the hole. He body dropped to the floor. I crawled to the now dead man while the other two shot the guns empty into the darkness.

"No, no. Please stop that. I don't want this." I sobbed into the dead body. I held clinging onto the uniform of the guard. It was his job to bring me back! He wouldn't have hurt me! I glared into his direction. The guards didn't know what to do, so they wanted to make a run for it. The tentacle came back again, aiming for one of the guards. He turned around and shock was able to see in his ayes.

I jumped infront of him making the thing go straight thru my tummy. I looked down. It was retract way faster than it was with the other guard. What the hell are you thinking?! It came back and wrapped around my body. Slowly picking me up and pulling me into his direction. "No wait. Please help me." I stretched my hand towards the guard and he grabbed it trying to pull me back but with no help. The among of blood im losing made me black out again.

_____[035 POV]____

As I got her closer to me I saw that she was passed out. I sight heavily.  God damnit. She could of been use. With a hole in her stomach she can't do anything. I moved one of my tentacles around her fragile body and was about to drop her near the wall. But she catched my attention again when she started to move again. Now this is interesting.

Moving her closer to me a laid my head to the side. I saw the wound closing up again. I could feel her wiggling in the hold of my tentacle. I looked up at her. She was trying her best to get out of my hold. Oh how adorable. So weak. And so fragile. I moved closer to her face. "Please I'm begging you stop that. Please!" She covered her face with her hands.

Knowing my touch has no affect on her I took her hands in mine and move them away. So much fear was written all over her face. Why does it hurt me to see her like that?! I shook my head to clear my thoughts. "So love~ I know I can be a bit scary but we could escape together. You and me." I moved my hand to her cheek. For a slightly moment she closed her eyes leaning into my touch. My heart skipped a beat.

I could stay like that for ever. No! Stop. I heared footsteps coming towards us. I let her down and pulled her towards me. I pressed her against me. My hand had a firm grip on her shoulder. She tried to move away with no luck. I heared her starting to cry again. Her tiny hands got a hold on the back of my jumpsuit. "Please. No more hurting." She hugged me tightly.

"SCP-035, remain calm and let go of SCP-5077." My hold got tighter. "Please, let go." She whispered. "I have been here for way to long. I don't belong here." I answered coldly. They started to shoot. "Watch out that you don't shoot (Y/N)!" I heared one of the guard who used to walk with her. I made my tentacle move next to me as a waring for them and to my surprise they stopped.

"I said NO MORE HURTING!" (Y/N) yelled next to me. She pushed herself away and tried to push me of my host with her tiny hand. This is to cute~ suddenly she took both sides of me and started to pull. I could feel that i slowly fell of my host. "No! What are you doing!" I yelled frustrated and held both her wrist. Stop playing around kiddo! My eyes started to glow purple in hope to scare her off. It was too late i could fell how i got ripped away from my host.

(Y/N) fell back and my host in the other direction. The guards slowly moved towards her. She started to hug me tightly pulling me against her chest. She started to cruel up to a ball and laid on the floor. I still could hear her quiet sober. Why do I fell guilty?! I haven't felt that in years. I'm sorry.

The guards back up as soon as they saw (Y/N) crowl to the dead body. Why was she so sad about him?! He was about to shoot her in the head. He even shot her into her shoulder? She sat there on her knees with me in her hands. It was wirdly comfortable. She bend down and laid her head on his chest her hands rested on the hole in his abdomen. You can't do anything for him he is dead. "I don't want that.." she whispered. "(Y/N), hey? Its me Phillip can you hear me?" One of those dumbass asked. Of course she can hear you, why shouldn't she?!

As she raised her head and her face got in our vision I was shock. Her eyes weren't like they used to be, they were blue and they glowed. Her fingertips began to glow too. "I don't want him to be dead Phillip!" She sobbed. Within a few second his body began to close up and he started to cough. That's impossible. How strong is that girl?

____[Your POV]____

The guard suddenly started to came back to live. Tears of joy fell down my cheeks. I dropped 035 and hugged the really confused men. He seemed to remember what happened and hugged me back. "Thanks for bringing me back!" I could hear the guard cry.

Out of the corner of my eyes I saw another guard trying to pick 035 up. I jumped up grabbed him and mad a roll on the floor getting some distance between us. I kneeled with one leg on the floor looking up at them.

The guards moved slowly towards me. "Please hand me SCP-035." one of them said. I jumped up and backed up. "(Y/N)!" Daniel said softly. "No, what if he takes control of one of you? I'm imone to him! So let me get him back to his containment!" I said holding him to my chest and turning away a bit. Wait.. does he still see everything? I don't think its the smartest idea to hold him to my chest, after all it's a living beeing, even if he is turned the other way.

I moved him away from my chest. And turned him towards me looking at its future. I looked back up at the guard who just nodded. So we skipped to his containment not stopping for a second. As soon as I placed him down in his containment I walked out. Phillip pushed a button. The lights came back to normal. "SCP-035 contained successfully." I sight and let the guard bring me back to my cell.

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)Where stories live. Discover now