chapter 16

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{Bring back memories}

Screaming and crying echoed thru my mind. The pain and all this pleadings. Crying for help. Someone who can help them. I couldn't take it anymore. My heart hurt from all this crying.

I started to scream hoping it would stop and to my surprise it did. I woke up drenched in sweat, breathing heavily I looked around the room. There was nothing. No people no children. Where was that coming from.

I caught I climpe of something in the corner of my eyes. I looked over to it and saw the doctors I once saw. Dr. Glass i think? "Had a bad dream?" He asked in a soft tune. I nodded my head. "Yeah short of, thought all I could hear wear screaming and crying."

I took my indexfinger and rubbed my temples. These headache are killing me. "Seems like you always get headache after useing your power. Maybe you should try to stop them?" He questioned me not eveb looking up from his clipboar.

"Wha.. what?" I looked at him eyes wide. Finally he looked up smiling brightly. "Whats the matter?" He asked me with closed eyes. "Not trying to stop them?" I giggled. "NOT TRYING TO FUCKING STOP THEM?! DO YOU KNOW WHAT COULD HAPPEN? I COULD FUCKING KILL SOMEONE." I yelled at the top of my lungs makeing him smile.

I felt the anger boiling in my blood. You don't want me to control it? Fine have it you way. In the reflection of the glas i could see my eyes to go black. There was not a bit of whit to see anymore. My vines changed darker, sharp nails appeared on my fingers and some black liquid dropped of the tip of the nails.

Dr. Glas sat there eyes wide and fear written all over his face. "Okay, maybe i take that back! Please calm down!" He begged me to stop. "You have not the answer I need." I said my voice sounded like as if three person would talk. Dr. Glass fell of his chair and he was holding his breath.

"Do not fear my child, I will not hurt you." I said now in a soft voice. I took a look at my reflection. I hummed at the sight. "Would you be so kind?" I asked all of a sudden and held my forhead to his forhead. White eyes and veins dtarted to glow. Then the light died down. "Thank you my dear."

I closed my eyes this time trying to focus on what I want to do. I thought about 049 and his containment. As i reopened my eyes I found myself in 049 containment. I saw him sitting in the corner on his bed.

He finally took noticed of my presents and stood up somewhat looking shocked. "I have questions and I hope you do have a answer." I said softly walking over to him.

I could see him tense up. I lead my head to the side and let out a huff. "Now there, there dear I won't hurt you." I said i a queit voice.

"I dont know where she went! She just disappeared! She said i don't have the answers she need." I could hear dr. Glass voice ring in my head. "Maybe she went to 049 or 035! They know her or her mother." Someone said. "Send one team to 049 and another one to 035! Keep us updated if you find her!"

I sighed in annoyance. "So we have nearly no time till the bust in here." By now i noticed I was flying over the floor. Hmmm. I sat down... in the air... with crossed legs. Now thats useful.

I looked back up to 049. "So.. you said you were friends with me or my mother... we still don't know that at this point. So tell me." I started to flow over to him. I stoped infrot of him.

(Something like that?)

Ups! Tento obrázek porušuje naše pokyny k obsahu. Před publikováním ho, prosím, buď odstraň, nebo nahraď jiným.

(Something like that?)

I flow just a bit over the floor watching every movementof him. "What were those screams and crying last night? I for sure know that this was not a dream!" I narrowed my eyes on him.

"You could hear them?" He questioned in his normal monoton voice. "Yes, obviously. Who are them?" "They are you family, you friends and your enemy." He paused looking up. "After a while I started to blind them out. I don't know what you or your mother did, but our people are in pain. They are afraid of something or someone." He looked back at me.

"You are so much alike you mother. Sometimes I miss her. Thinking back to the time the three of us would help people. There is always something missing. Not only for my cure but... something in me died when she betrayed us."

I slowly found my way back to the ground. I stood there awkwardfor a moment not knowing what to do. I felt a string in my back. It was like something were under my skin. I digged my nails into my back, trying to stop the feeling. As i digged a bit deeper blood started to trip out. A few seconds had passed and the wings I once had swzng out of my back.

He looked at the wings in awe. What am I suppose to do? I walked up to him letting myself fall onto the bed. Making sure not to hit him. But to my surprise i did hit him with one feather on the edge. "Oh damn, i am so sorry!" I said sitting up.

He held his maske on the left side where i hit him. "Funny." He hummed not moving his hand. "Wha..?" "Exectly like her. She was never able to calculate that one feather." He giggled softly. "She would always hit eihter me or 035 with that one." His eyes were a soft blue not like usually those blue eyes.

I looked at the feather. Suddenly the door got slammed open and four guards moved in pointing there guns at me thru the window. Please come on help me. Get your act together and remember! I smacked the palm of my hand to my forehead. Its so familiar and still so new.

"(Y/N) stay calm and remove yourself from scp 049!" One guard yelled. Dr. Glass, dr. Bright and dr. Clef. Clef slapt the back of the guards gear as he pass him. The guard was confused.
"Hey (Y/N). I know you would hurt us, right? Why dont we calm down and talk for a bit?"

I laid my wing around 049 like I would hug him. "Can i stay a bit longer? I didnt hurt anyone or let anything out." I ask calmly waiting for a response. "Why did you do it anyways if you knew there would be consequences?" Bright crossed his and over his chest.

"Dr. Glass told me to let my power free. I should try to stop them so i did as he told me to." Everyone looked at glass. "Oh he did? Well then its not your fault, still you have broke the rules. We have to ask you to come with us.

I stood up and relaxed my shoulder. My wings slowly disappeared back into my flesh somehow. 049 also stood up and looked into my eyes. Due the dark room i could tell that my eyes by now are glowing pink.

I smiled softly at him and hugged him. I could tell he was caught off guard, his whole body was stiff. He relaxed and gentle held my waist. "I will find a way to work this out." I whispered to him and gave him a kiss on the mask.

We let go of each other and I made my way to the door. It opend and as soon as I walked out it closed again. The doctors shooked there heads and walked on the front. I started to flow then back to my cell. The guard behind me holding there guns firmly in there gloved hands.

~Lost memories~ (scp 035 x reader x scp 049)Kde žijí příběhy. Začni objevovat