chapter 2

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I woke up to a door opening. My eyes had to get use to the light that shine into my face. I held my hand infront of my face to cover my eyes from the brightness. I blinked a few time and rubbed my eyes looking up at the guard. "Good morning little one." The guard giggled, I huffed at the nickname he just gave me. He walked up to me removing the chains and letting them dangle from my neck. I cocked my head at this move and looked at him. "Phillip?" I stood up and smilie. At least something good to light the mood. He nooded and smiled under the gear. I gave him a little hug and stepped away. "Good morning." He may be older than me... but come on, little one?

We walked out of the cell and a heavy sigh escaped him. I looked over my shoulder and I saw that he somewhat spaced out. "Phillip? Are you okay?" I ripped him out of his thoughts. "Yeah, they just decided to bring you to scp-173. In my eyes it's one of the most dangerous scp. Little tip try not to blink." We keep walking in silence. Great, survive one and get to a new one. Don't blink? Why, what will happen if I close my eyes? I didn't noticed that we already came to a halt. I stood there next to me were two other D-class. They looked at me and smirked. "Well if I would have know that we get to play with such a young thing, I would have come here earlier." One of them said and the other joined laughting. I rolled my eyes and looked at Phillip. He walked up to us and pointed his gun at his head. "YOU are not here to play and if you dare to touch her, I will shoot a bulled right between your ugly eyes." He scoffed at the man. All the D-classe did was back away and glurped, I giggled at there reaction.

The big gate infront of us slided open and we were shoved in by the guards. I looked around and was confused. On one of the walls were a statue turned to the wall. Dont blink! Whats in here? I walked around looking around. Walking along the wall and moving closer to the statue. I lay my head on my shoulder and studied it. The tip of my finger run across the concrete. Of course it would be cold, what else did I expect? My finger reached the statues hands, suddenly it got stickier and I looked at my finger tips. What the hell is that? I pressed my fingers to each other to test the consistence, it was dark red, like try blood. Hold on. Is that .. blood?

I slowly back up. Is that the thing I am not supposed to let out of sight? "I have to blinke." One of them yelled. "Wait!" I looked who just yelled, he was rubbing his eyes. Both stood behind me. I looked to the guy and he blinked. No one is looking at it. I heard something moving really fast and out of reflex I closed my eyes and covered my head. Then something snapped. I rapid opened my eyes and the statue was standing somewhere else.

The D-boy was laying on the ground his neck twisted in an abnormal way. I had to hold back a gage when I saw the other body. I panicked, walking closer to the wall. My breathing got heavier with every breath I took. My head was pounding and my vision got blurry. Tears start to welling up in my eyes. I blinked and rubbed my eyes to clear my vision. Till I realised what I did, I snapped my eyes open and the staue was standing in front of me. Each hand on the side of me keeping me in the place.

I tried to regular my breathing. It can't move as long as I look at it. Calm down. I blinked a few more time. Just stay calm and keep your eyes.... Wait I blink... several time why didn't something happen?! I looked up at its.. face? "Uh.. ahm... hay?" I said holding my hand on its ... upper hands? "Hello~" I jumped in surprise that it can talk. "Soooo.... not to sound rude or jealous or something.. but why are you not killing me?" I looked at the unmoving bodies.

I heard it giggle. I looked back up at it. "Oh honey~ I don't get to see a women a lot of times, you know? I don't want you to leave me so soon~" I glurped at it's statement. "Close your eyes for me, would you~" it voice was wirdly warm. "What's going to happen if I do so?" I tried my best not to blink. "Oh I just want to give you some space, but if you like me close, I can stay~" oh god I hate it here. I closed my eyes and heard it shifting away from me. I opened my eyes and saw it got some space bedween us.

I sink down at my knees feeling weak and breathed heavy. I heard it shifting around the room. "Oh honey~ tierd of all the standing?" It laught. I just need to survive, then they would let me out. Right? I got ripped out my thoughts by the sound of him coming closer I shot him a glare. "Oh, not fair!" It whined. I rolled my eyes and got up. "I didn't thought you can talk." I walked around... him? I would guess its a male, because if its voice. I circled around him and watched all of his sides. Nothing attached to it. Hmm. How is he talking?

"Fist of all, I can talk but I don't waste my voice to talk to worthless trash like them. Second, do you like what you  see?~" a shiver run down my spine, it was wierd that a statue is flirting with me. I walked to the front of him again standing between his arms. I patted the side of his head. "Yeeeees, of course sweetie~" I played along because it was quite funny. I smiled with closed eyes and felt his arms moving to my side again, keeping me in place. I huffed at him. "Of course you do~" I rolled my eyes. "You like hugs, don't you?" It laught. "Only from you honey~" I blinked and he let go of me again. After that the door opened and the guards pointed the gun at the statue.

"D-5077 please move away from scp 173." Echoed though the mic. "Party popper." 173 huffed. I patted his arm. "Bye~" I smiled, proud that I actually survived. "See you honey~" I sprinted to the door and got a lot of stares. A doctor walked up to me. "Did scp-173 talked to you?" While he asked that he lighted into my eyes. Checking if I was alright. "Uhm yeah why?" "It is not supposed to talk. He never talked before and we couldn't hear him." Uhhh these mf are not worth it. I snort a little. Another doctor writing down stuff looked up from what he was doing with knitted eyebrow. "Why are you laughting?" "Oh im sorry... he said... he can talk.. but he would not waste his voice to trash like you~" Now they looked pissed. "Get her in her fucking cell back." Phillip guared me out of the room.

As soon as we were a far enough away he start to laught quietly. I looked up at him and giggled. "What? What did I do?" I said laying my head to the side. "Oh he don't want to waste his voice on trash like you~" he mimicked me and I has to laught. "I do NOT sound like thaaat!" "Yes, yes you did!" We laught and got a few stares by people passing us. Guess they don't see it all day that a guard and a d-class have fun, huh?

Getting closer to my cell I was happy that I at least could sit again. Standing around and all this stress really exhausted me. Two guard walked in our direction and one of them had to be Mr. Asshole. I already git a bad feeling, because they already looked at us. We stopped dead in track when they moved in our way. "The doctor want to do some more test!" The other one said in a emotionless voice. I sighed, pulling my head back. "Do we have a problem bitch?!" Asshole pointed his gun to my head. Phillip pulled it down. "I don't think they would be happy if you kill her now." He said in a angry voice, that kinda scared me. He gave him a dark glare but stopped and moved away from me. Phillip really is like a big brother. I snort a little and got a death treating look from asshole. Damn he really hates me, doesn't he?

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