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Next day
Jia pov:

Namjoon words from yesterday's night  were still roaming in my mind.
I still can't understanding why he were talking about weapons and killing. I was lost in my thoughts when someone interrupt me

Mark: Miss Jia
I snap back and answered

Jia: yes manager nim

Mark: jia I forgot my file in Mr  Kim company at Mr Jung office  , can you please go there and bring the file to me??

Flashes of that day started coming in my mind but I brushed it off

Jia: sure

Mark: thank you

And with that he disappeared

Jia: I hope I don't get stuck like that day

Time skips~
At Kim building:

I entered and went  straight towards the Jung office. Yeah I know Mr Jung from the meeting.

She knock and a faint voice of come in heard

I entered and greeted him and took the file. I just wanted to get out from here as soon as possible.

I was passing when I saw Namjoon... wait- NAMJOON!

I take my steps back and peek inside the door to saw Namjoon sitting slightly on  table speaking

I take my steps back and peek inside the door to saw Namjoon sitting slightly on  table speaking

Ops! Esta imagem não segue nossas diretrizes de conteúdo. Para continuar a publicação, tente removê-la ou carregar outra.

( Just assume)

I couldn't believe on my eyes what I am watching. My whole mind went blank...

Namjoon- CEO- aani - RM!!
I quickly went out as fast as possible.
How could he can be RM??
I was speechless

Time skips~

I reached my office like a robot , hand over the files to Mark and sat on my chair in shock

Calm down jia...I took a deep breath.
First let's search more about him...what if he was not RM??? It could be misunderstanding too... right??

Aish I have to leave early today do that I can search.

Time skips~
6:40 PM

Finally I reached Mansion. I quickly went to my room. I entered and went straight towards the namjoon's wardrobe.

Jia: there will be surely something I will find.

After searching alot I found a secret lock in wardrobe...

Jia: There I go~
I directly enter his birth year... guess what?.. some people keep birth year too as their password
It unlocked

I take out the files and start reading it
I got shocked...
He is indeed RM!! The signs , the documents all are under name RM..
Now I was means that day...he hold me..

Suddenly I heard the sounds of foot steps..

Oh god , he is here. I quickly put all the files in locker as it is...closed the cupboard when suddenly he twisted the knob...
There he go... standing clueless

Namjoon: oh hi....why are you so  standing there shocked ....seems like you saw a ghost

I think I am.... I blabbered in mind

Jia: uhh... nothing! It's nothing... I was w-watching a horror movie so... I scared a little bit *nervous laugh*

Namjoon: oh ok...

And with that he kept his bag and went towards the washroom.
I sigh in relief...

Jia: for now I will pretend that I know nothing about his identity....

Namjoon pov:

Hmmm something is wrong with her..she was lying as I didn't saw her cell phone on the bed  besides the remote was as it is there where I kept...but the question is what she is hiding...

I came back from washroom as I saw her on bed sleeping...I switched off the lights and slips under the sheets
She flinched for a second

I have to find out....


To be continued ✧*。

Is It Love? | KNJ FF  ✔️Onde histórias criam vida. Descubra agora