Chapter 8

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Megan: "We're rooting for you!" she says echoing Artemis' words.

Wally takes a deep breath and sits on Dick's bed;

Wally: "Hey Dick... Can I ask you something?"


Dick: "Sure thing Wally. What's up?" he asked, tilting his head like a confused puppy.

Wally: "There's been this thing I've been meaning to ask you... I figured maybe now would be a good time to ask." As he speaks every word became increasingly harder to say as his stomach felt like it was getting twisted the more he prolonged this. 

Dick: "Really? What might that be?" he said, seeing KF become increasingly nervous he had a hint of what he was about to ask him, causing him to feel extremely excited internally.

Wally: "I know we haven't known each other that long... But I've enjoyed the time we've spent together... I was wondering if maybe... you'd like to go out?"

At this point, Wally was sweating profusely, but an internal sigh of relief came when he finally asked the question to Dick.

Dick: "You mean... like be your boyfriend?" he said with a soft voice.

Wally: "... yes," he said, a little voice crack could be heard at the end of his response.

Dick walked closer to Wally.

Dick: "I would love to." after answering his question he quickly moved in for a hug and a quick little peck on the lips.

While hugging Dick kept asking himself if he should tell Wally the truth about his identity, despite Batman's orders not to say anything he did not want his relationship with Wally to start with a lie.

Dick: "But first, there's something I need to tell you... please don't get mad at what I'm about to tell you," he gulped, "I just don't want our relationship starting out on a lie." he sighed.

At this point Wally was very confused, what did he mean by that? Was he dating someone else? Was he pretending to like him? Despite all these questions he continued to let Dick talk and let him explain what he means.

Dick: "You see, I haven't been very truthful with who I am..."

Wally: "Are you not Richard Grayson?"

Dick: "What? No Yes wait, I am Richard Grayson, but there's another side to me that I need to show you." he turned around, facing the door, and walked up to one of his drawers. He grabbed one of his domino masks hidden underneath his regular clothes and hid it in his hand.

"You promise you won't get mad at me?" he asked Wally, this time sounding like he was on the verge of tears.

Wally: "I promise, I will not get mad at you." he said confidently, reassuring Dick.

Dick took a deep breath and placed the mask on his face. After about five seconds he turned around and faced Wally.

Dick: "Hey KF... It's me, Robin."

Wally's eyes shot open and his mouth dropped. Seeing his reaction and scared of what he was gonna do next Dick put his head down and faced the floor. Wally was not sure how to react, he definitely wasn't mad, I mean it's a secret I.D for a reason, he was just confused.

Wally: "Dude... that's so cool!"

To Dick's surprise, he responded with excitement, but it was a great surprise.

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