"He really didn't." Val shook her head, scrunching her nose in disagreement, "It was all just a misunderstanding, really."

"Well maybe he just wants to talk to you again to flirt. Who really knows?"

Val giggled, knowing how much Tommy loved making jokes about having a shit ton of woman friends.

"He really is quite the character." Val sighed.

"Very much so."

Val didn't know much of what to talk about with Ranboo. And in all honesty, she still got nervous around him. She was just good at hiding it. I mean, he was her favorite streamer and it's not often you become friends with them.

So, as it always does, silence fell over them, grasping the two in it's hands and refusing to let go.

Val placed her elbow on the stair above her and leaned on it as she stared down into her lap. Until Ranboo finally spoke, breaking the weird tension.

"I'm meeting with Tubbo on November 5th." He blurted.

Val's eyes immediately bounced up, looking at him.

"Seriously?" She asked, a smile creeping onto her lips.

Ranboo nodded slowly.

"Why are you telling me this?"

"Because I trust you."

"You trust me?" She raised her brow at him.

"Yeah." He paused, "I mean, we've only known each other for a few days but the fact that you haven't told anyone that I'm Ranboo in that amount of time shows that I can trust you."

"And that you can." She smiled.

And suddenly, at the worst time possible, the school bell rang. Right in the middle of their heartfelt conversation.

"Looks like we have to go to class." Ranboo sighed, pulling himself up from the stairs. He held out a hand to help Val up but she refused, looking up at him with mischief written all over her.

Ranboo furrowed his eyebrows at her, wondering why she wasn't standing up. Until he got what idea was running through her rebellious little brain.

"We are not skipping class." He said sternly as he crossed his arms in front of his chest, not looking like he was going to change his mind.

"Yes we are." Val nodded cheerfully, finally standing up from the stairs and walking up a few of them to get eye level with him.

"No." He shook his head, "I have a test in history."

"A test that you can retake tomorrow." She argued, "I have math that I do not want to go to."

"Well you have fun skipping because I'm not joining." He pushed past her and began walking up the stairs.

Val quickly grabbed his wrist, preventing him from leaving.

"Pleaseeeee." She whined, "Skipping is so much better with a friend."

"Then skip with your friend, Ava." He retracted his wrist from her grip- which wasn't that strong- and continued up the stairs. Until, she grabbed him again.

"She's not here." Val stated, "Family stuff, remember?"

"Oh yeah." Ranboo said. He glared down at Val, obviously wanting to leave considering he was already a few minutes late. But she looked up at him innocently, insisting for him to come with her.

"Oh don't give me puppy dog eyes." He scoffed, "That doesn't work with me."

And finally, Val gave up.

"Ugh, fine." She rolled her eyes, letting go of his wrist and letting it fall to his side, "But let me at least walk you to class."

"Whatever." Ranboo said, starting to walk up the stairs. Val quickly caught up and walked beside him.

"So do you have any plans for the meet up?" Val asked, starting up some small talk as they walked.

Ranboo shrugged, "We have a few. Like, obviously, a cooking stream and some irl streams."

"Sounds fun." She nodded slowly, "How long do you plan on staying there?"

"Well..." Ranboo paused, biting his lip nervously. Val knew this. Val knew he was going to say something she wouldn't like.

"I'm planning on staying until Vidcon."

"Oh." She mumbled, "When's Vidcon?"

Again, another pause from Ranboo.

"February 2021." He blurted.

"February?!" Val exclaimed as her heart dropped, "W-What about school? What about your family?"

What about me?

"I'm planning on enrolling in online classes so I can do school from there. And my family just wants what's best for me."

"Noah, that's 4 months! Are you sure you want to do that?" Val stuttered, looking up at him wearily. But his gaze stayed forward.

Another bit of silence.

"I..." He began, "I don't know. I'll figure it out."

"Oh." She muttered, "Okay. Well just let me know-"

Val cut herself off as Ranboo cut in front of her, walking into his class without even a goodbye.

She stopped in her tracks, peering into his class as he went and took his seat. A few people stared at her but she didn't care.

Her chest felt heavy as she forced herself to redirected her gaze and continue walking.

Four months. Four months without Ranboo.

Now, they had only known each other for a few days but those days for Val had been amazing. And Val was already attached to him. And she hated that she got attached to people so easily but that's just how she was.

She wished that things could go differently. She wished Tubbo could come here. But what she had to learn was that nothing ever works out in the life of Val.

Dear Diary,

sometimes in life, you have to learn to not be selfish. it's rude and self-centering... but what about me.

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