"Oh wow, would you look who's here."

There was obvious sarcasm laced in Canadian girl's tone, as Lily turns around to find her standing together with three of the other winners, her arms crossed as Lily bit onto her tongue.

Of all people to be in the same tour group with, she just had to be grouped with Canadian girl?

What a fucking great start.

Despite feeling the dread, she musters up a small neutral smile as she nods towards them.

"Hi, so I guess we're all grouped together for this tour?" She tries to clarify, as one of the girls was about to answer but Canadian girl shoots her a look, and that girl shuts up immediately while Canadian girl just whips her head back at Lily.

"We're all grouped together, you're not."

"What do you mea-"

"Sienna's sick from food poisoning, so this group has been reduced to 5." Canadian girl seemed almost gleeful with spite while speaking. "And following with the buddy system, it'd be two per pair. But since we're all paired up, that means you've got to look out for yourself."

While the tour around HYBE was a pretty simple one - the group would move around together with an assigned guide - there will be certain facilities where the winners are allowed to split up and have a look around by themselves. Hence, this was why HYBE decided on having a buddy system to help the winners out and prevent them from getting lost in a foreign building; although they clearly did not account for winners who might be unable to participate.

In this case, Sienna was this particular winner.

"I see..."

"You're okay with it, right? I mean, it's a little tough to move around as a group of three during the split. So why don't we just make sure to reconvene at a chosen place and at a chosen time?" Canadian girl states with a smirk, making it seem as if a trio would be too much of a hassle, clearly wanting Lily to be alone as the air of ostracism was thick.

"Sure, I guess that's fine." She responds, her tone void of emotions.

Canadian girl beams arrogantly. "Wonderful, I'm so glad that you're so understanding of this."

I'm so tempted to slap you in the face, was what Lily thought.

"No worries, we'll be moving about as a group mostly anyway," was what Lily actually said instead.

The cheeriness which she felt from this morning was already gone.

The van soon arrives to pick them up, and Lily quietly sits herself up at the front, causing some of the assigned staff to look at her with concern, even asking politely if she'd like to sit with the rest of the winners but Lily shakes her head, simply stating that there wouldn't be enough space for her to squeeze with the four at the back. Much to her relief, the staff doesn't seem to press on any further.

Throughout the entire ride, Lily could hear Canadian girl - whom she finally learnt that her name is Darin - whispering about her to the others, as this only fuelled to her irritation when she could sense the judgemental glances that were occasionally being cast on her. It annoyed her that these were the same people who have yet to even try talking to Lily, that they were just naively listening to the words and assumptions of Darin, as Lily stares out of the window tiredly.

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