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"Wipe that smirk off you face."

"Whaaat? I'm not smirking, no." WKX was already waiting for him when he arrived home. The man was no longer in his suit, but he was still wearing his light purple pants with the white shirt still tucked in. ZZS on the other hand had taken a shower at work and was simply in a black shirt and jeans.

"You..—Where are we going?" ZZS asked as his hand was pulled. The fingers that were grabbing his arm slowly moved to interlace with his as they walked past their house through a hidden lane at the side. WKX opened their rear gate to step into the neighbourhood's private lake park.

"We're leaving in a month or so, so I figured we could take a walk around here. I hope you're not too tired." Truthfully, the garden inside their gate was already beautiful but their neighbourhood was always known for its well-maintained landscape and the lake pretty much caused the price rise of the nearby areas as well.

ZZS shook his head and followed WKX's steps. The lake was always in his view from their balcony but he had actually never stepped beyond their backyard. The sky was clear but the heat of summer had already subsided to make way for the nightfall soon. They followed along the natural stone tiles that encircled the lake and watched as the evening breeze swayed the leaves on the trees left and right ever so gently.

As they swayed their hands together, absorbing the energy from nature, ZZS noticed that WKX was looking intently at something. In front of them was another couple, both already with heads full of whites and greys. They were holding hands too, walking slowly with a limp and a hunched back. They must be nearing 80, ZZS thought.

"I'm sorry we can't grow old together."

WKX who was lost in thoughts was taken aback by his husband's rueful words. He laughed, took out his fan and started fanning in the direction of ZZS.

"Why are you sorry? Are you getting tired of me already that you want to grow old?"

"That's not what I mean."

"Great, cause I'm not done annoying you." WKX grinned.


WKX watched as the two old couple stopped and took a break on the bench by the side of the lane. It was no time at all for WKX and ZZS to walk past the two, saying hi as they did.

"I'm just thinking, if we just stay down here and grow out our white hairs together. Would that be—Damn it, look at you, you already have white hairs growing here." WKX halted and closed his fan. He stroke his fingers over the few strands of white hairs with a complicated expression.

"Yeah, I noticed." ZZS answered, unconcerned. He had actually just noticed them when he left for work that morning. He was sure they weren't there the day before. It was nothing out of ordinary, he thought, since the temperature was really high in the last few days.

"What did you do? I even donated all that aircond for you. You.. just stay in cold places, okay?" WKX grunted, he resumed fanning, more aggressively this time.

Seeing his husband needlessly worrying over him, ZZS couldn't help but tease him more. "Why? I think I'd look better in white hair."

WKX's brow lifted, "I already love you this much, Ah Xu. If you look any better, I won't have enough energy left to practice martial arts."

"What-" ZZS scrunched his face before he landed a soft punch on WKX's chest. "You pervert."

"Aww, Ah Xu~ Let's save the foreplay until we get home, can we?" WKX hold his chest, pretending to be hurt way more that he should.

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