Folly to be Wise

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"Are you not done?" WKX asked as brushes swept all over his face. The road WKX parked on was busy with people out and about for their lunch breaks as the area was developed with government's buildings. He was sitting in his car facing towards the passenger seat, letting his other half prepare him for his business later that day.

ZZS was so focused, there were vertical lines in between his brows. "Tck! Be patient," he instructed to the growingly restless man, hitting the man's shoulder softly using the brush in his hand.

"What are you doing really?" WKX moved his face closer to the serious man attempting to steal a kiss but he was hit on the forehead instead.

"Making you less pretty. You'll attract too much attention. Stay still." If it was up to ZZS, he would just have WKX disguised as an old man but the man refused saying it would hurt his self-esteem too much. He sometimes would glanced towards the black tinted window to see if any of his colleagues was looking their way, though he was sure no one could see anything from outside.

WKX pulled the brush in ZZS's hand and pulled his hands in his as he reassured, "Ah Xu.. It's fine. I'll wear a mask anyway, I heard that it's the trend nowadays." He turned up the car's air-conditioning before he patted the beads of sweat on the sides of ZZS's face using his hand.

"Don't you have air-cond in there?" WKX grumbled looking at the red building on the opposite road. He could feel his energy slowly drained as his eyes met the blaring sunlight from outside.

"There are in some rooms, mostly in the offices." ZZS answered while looking at the handsome face in front of him. He didn't know why he bothered trying to 'fix' WKX's face when he knew the man would look good anyway, unless extreme changes were made.

"I see.. Mm..You should be going. You break is almost up," WKX said as he glanced at his wrist watch. He would rather ZZS go home but the man was only in his first week, so WKX thought he should wait a few more days to nag the man out of his decision to work.

"You.. Don't be too hasty. Don't kill anyone." ZZS half-joked, half-serious in his words knowing WKX could actually do that and get away with it. He fixed his eyes on WKX's waiting for an answer.

"Promise! You, on the other hand, tell me if anyone flirt with you." WKX seriously thought that ZZS was the one who should be disguising himself. Even with a simple uniform shirt, ZZS looked stunning in his eyes.

"No one bats an eye on me here." ZZS responded nonchalantly as he tucked his strands of long hair behind his ears and wore the cap he had placed on the dashboard earlier.

Seeing that his warning was not taken seriously, WKX pulled ZZS's face using both his hands, his voice soft and modulated, "I seriously doubt that. Ah Xu, take a good look at my face and remember it whenever someone tries to pluck at your heart. "

ZZS listened but paid no heed to his husband's worry. He pushed down the hands holding his face and gave WKX a warm smile before he opened the door to return to work. "I'll be home late today, some of the guys wanted to treat me to a welcoming party," he informed as he turned his body.

"Then, I'll pick you up! Maybe I'll join you too!" WKX shouted and lowered the car's window as ZZS stepped outside.

With his back bent down, ZZS looked to his right and left before he talked to the man inside the car, he gritted his teeth as to not unintentionally raise his voice too high over the loud engine sound, "You dare bring this carmine serpent anywhere near here again!" He had forgotten to say anything while inside the car but once outside, the roar was almost deafening. He knew the car wasn't just for decoration, such lies!

Beyond Time (WenZhou Modern Day FF)Onde as histórias ganham vida. Descobre agora