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It was a few days later, ZZS was washing the vehicles in the bay area with some of his friends when Meng En ran towards him and yelled at his ears, "Zi Shu, someone is looking for you!"

WKX was the first person that crossed his mind, so he looked around the bay entrance to look for the man but he was met with another instead.

"Zhou Ye, what are you doing here?" he asked as the young girl walked towards him, all giddy. The other firemen from the station, mostly guys, followed closely behind her, whispering and expressing their awe as they did. ZZS's eyes wondered at the further back, watching the unsatisfied look on the face of her manager as he bowed slightly, mouthing a sorry.

"Zi Shu ge~ I was looking for you. See? I brought you and your friends lunch." Zhou Ye pointed at the plastic bags the others had helped her hold.

"How did you come here?" He meant to ask how did Zhou Ye knew of his workplace but he could kind of guessed the answer.

"By car." Zhou Ye answered as she opened up the foods she brought for everyone on the table that her boy fans had helped her opened right in the middle of the bay there, just beside the fire truck. But the fire truck was under repair so she wasn't blocking any important path.

"She's really your ex huh?" Meng En whispered into his ear.

ZZS firmly answered with a no and was about to take the bento box Zhou Ye was handing to him when his arm was hugged. There were thick clothes in between the two of them, but ZZS couldn't help but shuddered at the intentional skinship from his captain. He realized the reason why he felt so at ease at work the last few weeks was because he had not seen his captain for many days already. The girl was really busy, he thought and he hoped she'd be even busier.

"Zi Shu gege, what is all this?" Qiao Dan asked, hugging ZZS's arm tightly as if the man would run away if she didn't. Truthfully, ZZS would run away but for now, he'd settle with just shoving the girl aside.

"This is food, jiejie." Are you blind? Zhou Ye helped answer as she rolled her eyes. She did not need to be introduced to the woman to know that she was trouble. In other's eyes, she seemed like a jealous girlfriend but in reality, she was just protective of her brothers' love.

"Who are you? You know outsiders are not supposed to be in here." Qiao Dan knew who she was, asking only out of her own ego. Zhou Ye was obviously younger than her but hearing the actress called her jiejie was particularly annoying. She had the impression that the girl was just showing off that she was younger. Ultimately, a younger girl could easily win a beautiful girl, more so if she was younger and beautiful. Qiao Dan could feel jealousy sparked in her.

"I got permission from the chief." Zhou Ye bragged, sticking out her tongue to irritate the woman further. Her action stirred up laughter from the others.

Hearing the mention of his chief, Qiao Dan was no longer in spirit to chase the girl away. She, instead, just clung onto her ideal man tighter.

"Zi Shu gege, feed me too." She asked as she was again pushed to the side. She was ignored as she watched ZZS took a bite of the food Zhou Ye had bought.

Feeling bad, ZZS handed her a new untouched bento he took out from the plastic bag.

"Perghh, our 'Zi Shu ge' here is very popular, he has girls all around him." A co-worker said jokingly and a chain of wisecracks followed. ZZS just shook his head at the childish fools and minded his own business, sometimes smiling at how talkative Zhou Ye was with her fans. Were they her fans though? ZZS mused at the reception Zhou Ye was getting despite her scandals that had not cooled down.


"Wen ge!"

Qiao Dan and Zhou Ye exclaimed almost in unison as two men walked into the bay; one in his full uniform, another in a light purple suit over a white shirt with matching pants. The firemen including ZZS straightened their back and greeted their chief, their facial expressions mixed. Most of the eyes, men and women were directed towards the stranger. Some of them wondered if that day was a national celebration or anything since so many good looking people would visit their workplace.

The squint in ZZS's eyes were asking 'What are you playing?' of which WKX responded by raising his brows twice, basically saying 'You would know soon.'

ZZS really did not want to know. Dressing in full suit in the middle of summer just meant one thing for WKX, he had a point to prove.

Even though the chief had a cultured looking expression on his face, his demeanor was of someone aloof and pleasant. "It's okay, continue with your lunch.-- Zhou Ye, right? Have my men been treating you right?" The fire chief asked as he extended his handshake towards the popular celebrity. The others resumed eating, but the place turned quieter than it was just now. The men were ogling over Zhou Ye while the women were leering at WKX.

"It's great. I would like to star as a firewoman one day. How cool! Thank you for letting me visit."

"It's no big deal. You are Mr. Wen's friend, of course you can visit anytime."

"Chief, who is that beside you?" Qiao Dan took the opportunity of the mention to ask about WKX.

"Wen, Wen Ke Xing. Nice to meet you all of you. This place look.." WKX's eyes roamed over the unfamiliar faces waiting for him to finish his words, ""

"I'm Qiao Dan." Qiao Dan walked closer towards the man and offered her handshake to while smiling sweetly, taking chance of the awkward silence WKX had caused. People did not need to ask to know that WKX was a wealthy man. Qiao Dan especially, always spent her free time shopping so she doubtlessly estimated his entire outfit to be worth more than the car she had come to work in.

WKX took her hand and gave her a charming smile. He managed to flash a gaze at his husband and was about to respond when Meng En who had finished his lunch cut in, "You're that guy, right?" WKX smiled, "this station's patron? You donated all that stuff."

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