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A sharp gasp exited Marinette's mouth as she stared into her full body mirror. Her body trembles from shock and a faint throbbing pain throughout her body, beating hardest at the right side of her neck. She almost couldn't recognize herself as she eyed her body through the mirror. Black and red armour like material covered much of her skin, thick like resin. Red and black spots spread out, dotting over and covering half her face. Antena sticking out of her skull, now lowered in response to her emotions. A bright red mark on her neck, it glowed with little cracks protruding out the marking. Her breath uneven, eyes shrunk in shock. Marinette was frozen, this was her now? Was she stuck with this look forever? A million things circled through her mind. 

She thought back to before she passed out. To the little red creature that came out of her bag, that told her that Paris needed her. That she needed to become something else to protect it, and that if she agreed, there was no going back. She remembered hesitating, thinking hard on her decision, before agreeing. Soon, the little red creature, who introduced herself as Tikki, spoke up. "Marinette? Are you okay?", that silenced her racing mind, and only one thought remained... I'm a miraci-what??

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