Baekhyun and Jongdae's cheeks flushed red, their hearts suddenly picking up pace. Chanyeol and Joonmyun stopped chewing, their faces flushed as well. It was Joonmyun who said, "What the hell Kyungsoo? Even if they did, it's not something you ask so casually about at the lunch table."

His laughter died shortly, "Well, did you two do it?"

"No!" Baekhyun and Jongdae shouted in unison.

The red-haired male smirked, "Look, they have already become one." From underneath the table, Jongdae kicked Kyungsoo in the shins and the smirk turned into a grimace. Kyungsoo narrowed his eyes at the brunet seated across from him.

I'll get you back.

Jongdae glared back.

We'll see about that.


Baekhyun sat in his bed, staring at the list of names on the paper as if the letters would magically form the answer he wanted. He didn't want to go around accusing everyone who went to the party.

It could have been Joonwoo.

Either way Baekhyun needed a plan. One person popped in his mind -- Do Kyungsoo. That kid could be a future detective. Baekhyun almost dialed for the red-haired boy, but at the last second he remembered that Kyungsoo was probably spending precious family time with Seungsoo. Cursing under his breath, Baekhyun knew he would have to investigate alone. But first, he need a little more help from Joonmyun.

After receiving a couple of phone numbers, Baekhyun set to work. When he found that one of the guys would be available in about an hour, Baekhyun got dressed and traveled by foot to the cafe.

Leaning against the brick wall of the cafe scrolling through his cell phone was a young man with the most beautiful brown hair Baekhyun had ever laid eyes on. Approaching the brunet, Baekhyun mentally prepared himself for whatever would present itself.

Kim Minseok saw Byun Baekhyun from the corner of his eye. He had never personally met the young man, however, he had seen pictures at the cafe and the restaurant enough to recognize Baekbeom's younger brother.

"Kim Minseok?" the raven-haired boy said, flustered that his voice had cracked. The college student nodded, placing his phone in his back pocket.

"I can't remember much," Minseok sighed, adjusting the collar of his shirt. When Baekhyun had called and asked for details about the party, Minseok wished he had actually taken up the offer to be Luhan's designated driver instead of asking Jongdeok to come along. Minseok beckoned Baekhyun to come closer.

Where did he vanish off to?

"I only remember... we were drinking at Yonghwa's house and then we all headed to Yoonkyu. I don't... I don't even know why we went there, but I do remember there was an argument and then... that's it. I woke up in my bed. My roommate, Luhan, was in his bed as well, but my other roommate, Jongdeok, he was gone. I haven't even seen him since then."

So you're the one Baekbeom found for Jongdeok.

"I'm really sorry about your brother. There is no way he did it."

"Is that really all you remember?" Baekhyun asked. "What was the argument about? Who was arguing with who?"

But as Baekhyun tried digging for more information, Minseok had begun shaking his head. "Jongdeok would probably be the only sober one that could possibly remember anything. He's not into drinking." That settled it. Baekhyun would have to confront Jongdeok whether Jongdae gave him permission or not. Baekhyun thanked Minseok, but before he could part ways, Minseok stopped him. "What happened to your arm?"

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