Sorry and Thank you.

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Hey. Author here.

Ok. Im so sorry. I seriously am. I know I said i'd make a few more chapters then end this book but I can't keep that promise. I'm so sorry. I seriously am. Please. If you're mad at me for this, then rant away. You can scream, shout, rant, c!ss and etc. I'm mad at myself too. I seriously cant keep working on this book. No, this AU/series or whatever is not discontinued. I'm just ending this book because I cannot continue working on this. This book lost its glory when it was getting attention. It still does but not as much as it used too. I'm sorry. I just want this book to be finished. Yes the final writing was rushed. Sort of good ending...

Ok idk how y'all like this cringe thingy— it had no plot at all and I just added very edgy things to it and I didn't even know where I was going with it. It's so confusing but like y'all liked it for some reason so uh that's a bonus-

Now for credits(?)

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Other stories :

The LoneLY Star {StatehumansAU}

Him and his story (Countryhumans Au)

You may not like them but at least you've read them. I do have an art book.

I wish you the best night or day ever.  May you do well, may you be happy and may you be safe.

JLS OUT!! <3

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