|F!ck it| Chapter 56 (FINALE)

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(Massive time skips, sorry about that. Hope you're doing okay - Author/JLS <3)

Every country then went to the places they were supposed to go to. punished the 3 because they entered the room that was supposed to be never mentioned again since it gave off "bad memories". The 3 had to be shut in their rooms for about a month, only to come out to eat. They had bathrooms in their rooms so they should be fine. The states thought America was being a bit too harsh. Russia was the one who suggested they stayed in their rooms.

All of the states properly met Russia that time and most didn't like him. They thought their father hated russians. It's complicated. The states that actually liked him thought that maybe he's different from what they have been told.  CSA seemed to like and trust Russia. The two had a bunch in common. America was a bit surprised the two got along anyways.

CSA was still using California like a puppet. California didn't know they were being used as a doll and was often being found or seen confused. CSA had a big plan. A very big one. Although CSA would eventually stop soon due to America giving California and Texas up to a specific someone for a while.

The person who ruined the wedding was never found. What was their motive? That would be discovered by U.N surprisingly. The motive was to stop the wedding by a jealous lover. A lovesick one. The evidence was a letter for U.N. The name was burned off from the fire though. U.N was scared for his safety but ASEAN promised to keep him safe.

EU watched the two be madly in love. They started dating after ASEAN kept hitting on UN. His heart ached every time he saw the two getting along happily. He wish he could have that. He wanted that with UN. If ASEAN never existed, would he get his happy ending? The one he so needed and wanted? The one he deserved. FBI and NATO were worried over EU as his lovesick condition got worse overtime. They feared the worse as EU could do unimaginable things.

The couples who were supposed to get married were still madly in love. Despite their wedding being ruined and them being in massive danger-
Canada and Ukraine were the couple that was pretty wholesome and cute. China and North Korea were the couple that always argued, screamed and fought but for some reason stayed engaged/married each other. Japan and South Korea were the couple that were just pitch perfect for eachother. Antarctica and Greenland were the couple that were completely different but were soulmates. Germany and Poland were the couple that is madly in love but always are working, they managed to find time for each other after figuring it out. Mexico and Chile were the couple that everyone talked about, they were a start of a conversation. America and Russia were the couple that loved each other deeply but would argue over everything.

The wedding was eventually rescheduled and everything went along smoothly! Vatican City was once again the one blessing the wedding, despite him being a different religion from most of the countries getting married.

--"Ok- Ahem,

Soviet Russia Moscow Union, Germany Berlin the III, China Beijing Qing, Greenland Red, South Korea Seoul Sejong, New Mexico Aragon Castile and Canada Ottawa Canberra Wellington D.C England..." Vatican City spoke.

He took a sip of holy water because those were a bunch of names and he still had to say more.

--"Do you take United States of America Ottawa Canberra Wellington England D.C, Poland Warsaw, North Korea Pyongyang Sejong, Antarctica Bellingshausen Lazarev, Japan Tokyo,  Chile Santiago and Soviet Ukraine Kiev Union as your husbands and wives in holy matrimony?" Vatican City added, looking at everyone.

He wasn't really supportive of the LGBTQ because of his beliefs but he would love to bless this wedding. The countries then all said at the same time :

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