"You couldn't have told anyone?" I whispered.

"Where's the dramatics in that?"

As Hazel got to the end of the aisle she stopped.

She locked eyes with her mother and just stood there.

Her mom waved her on.

Hazel nodded and proceeded up to Frank.

He reached for her hands.

"Ladies, gentlemen, and non-binary folks." Reyna begins. "We are gathered here today to celebrate Hazel Levesque and Frank Zhang."

I didn't pay attention I was to busy staring at Jason.

Not like "I'm in love with you" way.

Just reminding myself what he looks like.

I used to be able to count every one of his freckles, line them up like constellations.

I'm still confused on what we were.

I mean I cared about him, I truly did.

I loved him.

But I wasn't with him like I am with Annabeth.

I didn't reach for more of him like I do with Annabeth.

I lay with Annabeth and I still wish she were closer.

I would lay with Jason and my mind would I wander. I would forget he was there even.

But I loved him.

I still do.

"Any objections?" Reyna says.

I look up to Leo looking for an objection.

Percy is holding Leo in a headlock so he can't say anything.

"No?" Reyna says. "Good. By the power invested in me by a website Thalia and Annabeth found when they were drunk, I pronounce you husband and wife. You may now kiss."

Frank swept Hazel into a dip and kissed her.

Everyone clapped.

Hazel and Frank walked down the aisle to Classic.

Frank sings "Thinking I was born in the wrong time." a bit to loud. We all laughed.

"Everyone!" Annabeth said getting the attention instantly. "We're having the reception in that canopy, just a reminder the dress code is party casual so you have the option of changing! The first dance will be in 30 minutes! Thank you!"

Everyone exits quickly to change, besides us.

But this time the us includes Jason.

"Dude come here." Percy walked over to Jason and hugs him.

"Move over lord of the bathroom." Thalia says. "He's my baby brother."

We all end up piling into a group hug laughing and crying.

"How?" Annabeth asks.

"Nico." Jason says smiling.

"Eh it was more Will actually." Nico replies.

"Huh?" Will says. "I didn't know about this."

"No but my dad felt bad he forgot about your birthday and didn't get you anything. He asked me what you would like so I said for some friends to come visit."

"Oh." Will shook hands with Jason. "Nice to meet you I'm Will, Nico's boyfriend."

"Wait," Percy says. "so you used Will's birthday gift from your dad to bring Jason, who Will has never met, back from the Underworld for a day?"

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