"No?" Robbie says in more of a question than confirming that's what she said. Lacey doesn't bother acknowledging Robbie as he and Asher share a concerned look.

"I know I fucked up okay and I know I shouldn't be messing with Michael. I fucking told him that had you listened to me when I tried to stop you maybe you wouldn't have almost gotten punched!" she yells loudly. Her words make me even madder if that's even fucking possible right now.

"How can you even say that! He was going to punch you, the fuck you think he was just gonna punch me and stop there. Michael is a bad dude which is why Julie was trying to help you, you stupid fucking bitch," I say taking a few steps towards Lacey. Surprisingly, she doesn't back down but I feel a tug on my hips making me take a few steps back. Lacey flicks her eyes behind me and then back at me.

"Oh don't look at me like that, I would gladly let her slap you. But with that being said I know she will regret it tomorrow, so like Robbie said. This fighting bullshit is done for the night. Now, Lacey go frolic elsewhere," Asher says from behind me. I totally would not regret smacking the fuck out of Lacey right now.

"I mean I wouldn't really regret it," I mumble more to myself than anything. Lacey shoots me a glare and I feel Asher's own stare while Rae lets out a laugh.

"Carter, you just aren't helping," Asher says making me look up at him. He does not look pleased with my comment and I look away from him. Lacey opens her mouth to say something but shuts it.

"Whatever," she says. I expect her to turn around and walk out of the house but she doesn't she walks her ass up the stairs. She doesn't bother giving us a second look which I am glad. My jaw is probably to the damn floor. I look back at Asher and he just shrugs his shoulders as if this is normal none of this is normal. I roll my eyes turning around but Asher stops me.

"Turn around, we need to talk," Asher says turning me around by my shoulders. I push my feet into the ground so he can't move me.

"Are you sure we have to?" I ask him turning my head to him. He gives me a serious look making me shut up all over again. I sigh loudly as I start walking to the stairs. I glance back at the kitchen where Tori, Julie, Jeremy, and Trey are playing with Sixer. Who is on the kitchen counter and having the time of her life right now.

"Yes, we have to and no you can't take a shot," he says reading my mind. I snap my mouth shut and walk up the stairs as slow as possible. I am totally fine when yelling at other people but I hate when people yell at me. Hate it. Especially when I know I am in the wrong. This time I know it was wrong for lying to Asher about where I was going. But had he seen the way Michael grabbed Julie and shoved Lacey he would have marched his ass over there. Then did more than just yell at Michael and Asher can't risk that.

While Asher doesn't like him just as much as I don't, that's his teammate. If he punches one of his teammates he could be suspended or worse. We make the same route to his room as usual. I walk in first while he shuts the door behind us. I sigh as I sit down on his bed while he leans against his desk in front of me.

He is so mad.

"Okay, can you just yell at me and get this over with," I say crossing my leg over the other. He raises his eyebrows at me and I make a face at him. I still want to drink, so I would like to get the show on the road.

"I'm not going to yell at you," he says calmly shrugging his shoulders. I narrow my eyes at him not believing him for one second. I adjust the top of my jeans and lean an elbow on my leg. I rest my chin in my palm.

"That's a lie but I'm sorry for going over there. But, Tori and I saw Michael grab Julie then shove Lacey on our way to the bathroom. So, I stormed over there without a thought, and then I yelled some unladylike things-"

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