Chapter 6 - The Master vs. The God

Start from the beginning

'Kakashi, are you alright? Do you have much chakra left?' a guy with red hair asked.

'Yeah, I'm fine, I've used over half my chakra though. But I need to find Emi,' he said, quickly looking around.

'I'm okay!' I barked from where I rested. Somehow, I'd injured my front leg, and it was hard for me to walk. I'd looked down and found it bleeding, maybe it was the rubble that had fallen on me. I wasn't sure, but I knew that it really hurt.

'Emi! Come here girl,' Kakashi called. I flinched. I couldn't exactly turn around and say 'Nah, I like it here! You go on ahead and fight,'. No I didn't have much choice. I pushed off agisnt the wall I was leaning on and limped over to Kakashi and the man and his son. Pain lunged forward, at first I thought he was aiming at me, but let's be honest. No one's really gonna target an injured dog over their enemy.

'He's coming Dad!' the boy yelled.

'Get ready Choji!' his father ordered. Kakashi drew a weapon and the rest of the Shinobi who had appeared with Choji and his dad drew their weapons, flinging them at Pain. For a split second, I thought he'd finally take a blow, but no.

'Almighty Push!'

Weapons and Shinobi were thrown in all directions, and as Choji threw some kunai, Pain dodged easily. Those eyes of his...Kakashi flung a paper bomb which gave us a chance to hide. I felt a pair of hands pull me up and then set me down. We were pretty far from our target now.

'What did he just do?' Choji's dad asked.

'He reppelled our attacks, Choza,' Kakashi told him, quickly examining my wounded leg.

'How?' Choji asked.

'He uses himself as an epicentre and draws in or forces away anything surrounding him. There's an interval between jutsu's I know but it's not very long,' Kakashi informed. He took out a bandage and wrapped it around my leg. Unfortunately, my wound was pretty big and it wouldn't stop bleeding, so it kinda stained the bandages pretty fast, no matter how many layers Kakashi put on.

'Everyone's been taken down. How are we supposed to defeat this guy when he can repel our attacks?' Choji asked.

'I have an idea, it'll be risky but we'll all have to play a part...' Kakashi started. Everyone got into their positions and I took bait. I limped out and watched the man.

He began to walk towards me. Suddenly, Kakashi flew up at him from beneath the ground, but the man used his jutsu to force him away.

'Argh! NOW!' Kakashi ordered. Choji and Choza rolled into human boulders and charged at Pain. Pain managed to deflect their attack and sent them flying too. Only this time, he'd been caught in a  trap. Chains sprang up from the earth, grinding together creating sparks as they locked themselves around him. Choji and Choza held onto the chains and pulled hard as Kakashi prepared to use Lightning Blade. I ran as fast as my injured legs would take me and grabbed the chain in my jaws, helping Choji pull.

'Hurry Kakashi!' Choza yelled, struggling.

'Come on Kakashi Sensei!' Choji struggled. I growled through my teeth and Kakashi went in for the kill, forcing all of his power and chakra into the final blow. It was going to work! Suddenly the other Pain was blocking Kakashi's attack and soon, Choza was in front of Choji, defending his son while Choji did the same for me.

'Look out!' Choza yelled. Then everything went white, lightning white.

I opened my eyes and lifted my head weakly. I saw Choji and Choza lying on the piles of rubble and debris. Kakashi was trapped in a pile of rubble, unable to move, blood pouring down his face.

'Kakashi!' I growled, in pain. Pain appeared on top of a pile of rubble, the other Pain, passed out and hopefully dead...

I struggled to get up, but fell, my leg hurting more than ever now.

'Hatake, Kakashi, this time, I know you're not a clone, and that you're unable to move. So this is the end of the line for you. People like you need to die. Your death will bring us peace...but to be sure, I'll kill you from a distance,' Pain said. My eyes widened and I watched as he used his pulling force to pull a screw up from a plank of wood below him. I struggled to my feet as he aimed at Kakashi. I forced myself to stand up and I ran across the rubble. I wasn't going to watch my Master die. No way! I will give my life for him, he won't die, he won't die! Pain used his jutsu and shot the screw dead on target. Time seemed to slow to a hault as I ran across the debris field. I made it and stood between my Master and certain death.

'Emi! No!' Kakashi struggled. I stood firm and barked.

'Leave Kakashi alone!' I howled. Pain's face was emotionless but his eyes were different. I saw a shimmer of pain and sadness, as if he knew the situation where someone had given up everything for someone else... I snarled as the screw came closer. Finally, I felt it tear through my fur and skin, and pierce my heart, going right through me. I only prayed that it was enough to save him. To save Kakashi and the whole of Konoha. I breathed heavily and dropped to the floor, smiling to myself in my doggish way. I'd given my all for my Master, and I was happy to have died, for the man I loved. I hit the ground and breathed my final breath, before closing my eyes. This was it, there wouldn't be a next time. Emi Funkai, had fallen in the name of her village and the name of her master...


So sorry I took forever to update >.< still recovering but here it is! 0.0 what will happen noww?! Don't worry minions it's not the end of the story...nor the end of Kakashi, but what about Emi? 0.0 I'll update soon and i've got a surprise for you all....hope you likey ^^

A/N - Pic of Kakashi's death :( depressing scene but epic battle XD

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