CH 8

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He stopped his car at the condo building. So, he still owns that place. He got off the car and started walking. I was not needed to be told to follow him. I leaped out the car and caught up with him. We got on the elevator and he was still avoiding me. We reached his condo and he entered the pin. He must have changed it. But to what? None of the digits I tried worked.

He got in and ushered me to get in and I wasn't needed to be told twice. He lead me to his bed room. What is going on in his mind? For the first time, I can't read him. He looks like a blank book with not a word on it.

"Let us end it where everything started. This room. Speak and get it over with," he huffed and faced the other side. I don't understand what he means by 'end'. Did he find someone else? But he should at least tell me, right? But he seems angry with me? Did I do something wrong?

"Bii, did I do some mistake? Why won't you talk to me?" I asked, approaching him. He scoffed, hurt was clear in his eyes. "Tell me... If you don't tell me what I did wrong, how will I solve it?" I asked again. He glared at me with those hurting eyes, "You told me to wait for you, Gulf... I agreed. I understood your problems... You said it's just a 'see you later' and not our end... I agreed. And I'm a fool for that." 

"That year, I was there at the bridge, Mew. I waited for you there for hours. I stood there even when it rained the whole night... but you just never showed up..." it's breaking me apart. "Where did you go? I searched for you... For four years, I've been searching for you. I never found you. And today, when I finally found you, you're pushing me away," he's still standing there in all indifference. 

"Really? You were searching for me?" Mew scoffed at my face. He knitted his brows, "What were you searching me for? To make me our mistress or your dirty little secret?" I totally don't know what he means. "Why would you be my mistress? Who gave you that idea, bii?" I'm ready to kill whomever messed my baby's mind. He squinted his eyes at me.


"I loved you. From the moment my eyes fell on you."

"I know. Me too..."

"Really? Is that even true... I don't even know if to believe you anymore," he snickered sorrowfully.

"Why?" The other asked. Confused and wondering.


"Not even a whole year apart, and you got married to some daughter of a rich family... You expect me to wait for you to come to me and make me your secret lover?"Me? Married? Never... Who the hell messed his head so bad? 

"This is where we started dating. This place used to be our getaway heaven, Gulf... but now it haunts me. Just because you married some rich bitch for your company's benefits. Couldn't you even give me a closure to it personally?" he's getting teary. I want to hug him so bad, but he's pushing me away. 

"No... Mew, baby, listen to me pl-" he pushed me away, again. He's crying now. I can't see him like that. "You're the only one I ever had. That marriage alliance was just a rumor. My step-father tried setting me up, but I never agreed to it. I would never want someone who is not you..." he shut his ears with his hands. "LIER! If you didn't agree with it then why the heck were you smiling at that girl on that fucking date?! You're nothing but lies," he sobbed as he fell to the bed behind him. 

"She was a childhood friend, so I smiled at her... I didn't even know it was a date. Mew, I thought it's a business meet until she told me that it was a date..." I told him. "You don't know how bad I fought with that old hag for trying to trick me..." he's still not convinced, only crying worse. I stood close to him and hugged him. He clenched at my shirt and kept crying. 

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