CH 2

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I stood at the bridge my mom used to bring me to when I was a child. She used to bring me here every time I was sad. She would tell me to be stronger. To be who I was. To be who I want to be. She would be here when poured my tears out into the lake below. She would shush me. Calm me.

She would always be here, right behind me or beside me. Guiding my lost soul.

But... not anymore. Not for the past ten years.

She left me behind to go to a better world is what they would tell me if I were a child. But I'm old enough to understand how people come and go from this world. I know that she had already bid her goodbye to me back when she said she was going on that business trip. I could feel that something terrible was on its way to me. If only mom had believed my hunches back then, she would still be here.

We would be strolling around somewhere. We would be slow dancing to all those super old songs of hers, drenching ourselves in the rain. We never were the typical mother-son pair to begin with. We were always closer than friends and more distant than people in love. We were the only family left to each other after my dad died of cancer when I was just eight. And then she married that guy, my step father, when I was seventeen. I never had a problem with him. Though I could never accept him as a father-figure, but we were always at peace...

... until mom was here, at least.

I climbed up the railing and stood at the concrete pillar. If mom was still here, she would be holding me by my waist so I don't fall off accidentally. I closed my eyes, inhaling the soft breeze that hit my face. It felt so calming. I let my jacket slip off me, it created a soft thud sound as it fell to the ground. I stretched out my arms. It felt like I was floating.

I don't know why... but I felt like crying... but I don't want to!

I heard someone scream my name, "GULF! NO!" I could not comprehend what was going on when I felt a tug at my shirt.


I was driving back to my apartment when my eyes fell on something so strangely familiar. I slowed down my pace and turned my attention to the figure standing by the bridge. And whom I saw, made me go crazy. Gulf Kanawut.

The man I have been loving since I was nine-teen was standing at that bridge. All alone. Even if I was far off from him, I could feel all that sadness and loneliness his aura was emitting. I wanted to let it be and just go back home as I was tired from my over seas trip. But what he did next, caught my breath. I sped my car towards his direction when I saw him climb up that railing to stand on that concrete pillar. The pillar was not very tall but there was a freaking lake under that bridge!

As soon as I reached the bridge, I pulled the break and sprinted out of my car. His jacket slip off of his body as he spread his arms wide. Why is he doing that!? I could see how relaxed yet stressed his closed eyes were. He exhaled loud. Is he really going to jump? No! I won't let the love of my life die in front of my eyes!

"GULF! NO!" I screamed, making him startled. Before he lost his balance and fell into the water below, I got a hold of the hem of his shirt and pulled him towards me. I fell to the ground with my love secure in my arms, above me. I know he was startled. Not expecting someone to see him here. Totally in a trance.

"Gulf, why were you doing that?" I asked n a desperate voice. He looked down at me, still in my tight embrace, "I- wh- what was I doing?" I sat up and he settled in front of me. I looked at him in despair, "Why were you trying to jump? Why were you committing suicide?" He looked at me confused, "But I-" I cut him off in between, "This is no place to talk; let's go to my place, it's close by." I helped him up and got his jacket before forcing him into my car and securing his seatbelt.

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