07 ﹕ taking sides

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chapter o7 ─── taking sides
aren't the two of you comfortable with
one another.

For once, it seemed as if Genesis had shut down, feeling cold and numb ever since she followed her godfather and parted from the group of adult witches and wizards─ away from Nikolay with his group.

She had wanted this─ the noirette repeated mentally in her head. She wanted to be away from the group of what she sees as "troublemakers". Yet as quick as those thoughts popped in her mind, as quick as she tried to convince herself that "that was it"─ came a thought that sent shivers down her spine.

She was... intrigued.

Intrigued to know more about them. More about why they seem to hate house-elves like pure-bloods hate muggles and muggle-borns. She wanted to know them in general and who they truly are. Since she's living in Hogwarts, she practically knows her seniors and some of her juniors, the staff─ nearly everyone. So seeing them─ she thinks of them as an enigma whom she, as usual, is too curious to not figure out.

But that's the problem─ she wanted to know them. To know who they truly are and solve their enigmatic presence, when she shouldn't at all. She should focus on her friends─ Harry, Hermione, and Ron, and not some people who she had just met and finds infuriating as well. She should focus on her studies, Minerva, how to bake more muffins to relieve her stress─ yet those five newcomers had taken her attention instead, and it scares, frustrates and annoys Genesis to an extent where she would do it just to rid of the aching feeling to be with them.

She hasn't felt this way ever since she met Hermione, Harry, Minerva, Ron and the Weasley Family─ just generally everyone she sees and thinks is her family. The aching and longing feeling─ the curiosity and confusion to feel that way... everything. It felt extremely wrong yet felt so right that she doesn't know where, when or how to act with it─

“Excuse me...” The chatter ceased and everyone turned to a pale-faced Genesis, who looked as if she was holding back a scream. Harry was the first to come to her aid, same with Ron and Hermione─ yet the noirette simply held up her hand, gesturing them to stop before glancing at Arthur who nodded. He understood what was troubling Genesis, and understood that she needed space. “I need some air.”


Before anyone could try and convince the girl to stay, because it's still dangerous outside, they were futile since she left the tent. The cool breeze that hits her face immediately slowly down her speeding heart. The tightness of her throat subdued, the churning of her stomach vanished, all that was left was her racing thoughts and memories of what happened earlier. With Winky. Mr. Couch. Nikolay and his band of friends.

Running her fingers through her dark, back locks, she sighed, gulping heavily at the situation she brought herself it. What she expected was the night's coldness, surprised her when a familiar warmth that wrapped around her waist.

And she looked to her right, seeing Hermione's worry-filled brown eyes that Genesis couldn't help but smile sadly, not liking that the brunette was worried about Genesis' own problems. Sure, Hermione has been there for the noirette when troubles arise, but this was far different than what Genesis had first expected. Mor than any of them expected.

And she had a feeling that she needed to do this alone.

“I'm sorry for worrying you all.” Even if Genesis felt so defeated and numb tonight, she wouldn't let it show. And thankfully, Hermione doesn't seem to notice that the noirette was slowly breaking inside from the anxiousness that appeared when Nikolay and Levski came with their friends. “I know you have a lot on your plate.”

shifting, hermione grangerOù les histoires vivent. Découvrez maintenant