04 ﹕ insults

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chapter o4 ─── insults
can't tell the difference. they hate me.

Genesis glanced at the Saleswizards that were Apparating and Disapparating everywhere they go. She managed to catch one or two, and in a tone that made the Saleswizards give her a nervous smile, she bought fourteen of each.

Meaning to say that she bought fourteen of: luminous rosettes that are green for Ireland─ red for Bulgaria (which were squealing the names of the players), pointed green hats bedecked with dancing shamrocks, Bulgarian scarves adorned with lions that really roared, flags from both countries that played their national anthems as they were waved, (there were tiny models of Firebolts that really flew, Genesis squealed at the cuteness), and collectible figures of famous players, which strolled across the palm of your hand, preening themselves.

Luckily, her group managed to stick by her closely as they thanked the noirette, examining the merch she bought for them. Though, Ron and Arthur seemed a bit more hesitant, a bit sensitive about money but they knew that Genesis likes to share her nd her family's money with them, no matter how much they all politely decline the offer.

"Nearly emptied my bag..." Genesis muttered to herself lowly, but Hermione (who was beside the girl) managed to hear it. Her ears tinted a rosy-red color, finding it adorable that Genesis is spoiling them all with the merch. The girl wasn't saddened at the fact her money is nearly spent on the family, and her friends─ more like gladdened that she can do so with them. Especially Hermione and Harry since they grew up the Muggle-way and have not experienced something like this, even if they've been to Hogwarts for three years.

"But at least it's worth it." Genesis finished with a chuckle, looking at the Weasley family.

Harry and Hermione glanced at each other with bashful smiles. They didn't know what they did to have someone like Genesis who thinks of others first than herself.

But then Harry, Hermione, Ron and Genesis looked at what looked like brass binoculars. Except, it had some weird knobs and dials on it.

"Interested, aye? These are Omnioculars!" The Saleswizard introduced the said "Omnioculars" quite eagerly, and Genesis had her eyes light up with interest. She saw one with Arthur earlier, but didn't know what it was at first. Now that she does, it made her a bit more intrigued.

"You can replay action, slow everything down, and they flash up a play-by-play breakdown if you need it. Bargain─ ten Galleons each." Hearing the price, Ron suddenly deflated, checking that he was a Galleon short and Harry noticed this, not knowing that Genesis did as well, who furrow her brows.

"I'll─" Harry responded but was cut off by none other than Genesis.

"─ Four pairs, please." Genesis eagerly said before aying the Saleswizard, causing not only Ron to shriek at her in surprise, but Harry and Hermione as well. They weren't at all offended, but they didn't want the girl wasting any more Galleons for them, no matter how appreciated they are with her doing so. Plus, Hermione remembered the bet Genesis had with Ludo, and knew that Genesis does not have that much money with her.


"Thank you!" The girl ignored the yells of her friends and thanked Saleswizard with a smile. She then turned to the trio and gave them their Omnioculars with a closed eye smile. The Golden Trio looked at one another before thanking the girl once again, taking the Omnioculars and testing it themselves. To say that they were impressed when they used it is an understatement.

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